Sunday, August 31, 2014

Book Preview: Messy Beautiful LOVE,

Ohhh, the dreams we have about marriage, when we experience our "first love". I know many dream of a "Perfect Spouse, Perfect Children, Wonderful house with a picket fence, etc." The reality is that Marriage takes a lot of work and effort and the expectation for Perfectionism can create chaos and other issues. We have to surrender our "dreams" to God and allow him to lead and direct our marriage to have a Beautiful Marriage. I got married on August 1, 1998 and our marriage is still a "work in progress", as I continue to learn on creating a beautiful marriage and surrendering to God. I am a Perfectionist by nature and I have learned over the years how much of a hindrance that is to the marriage.

I am VERY excited to be part of the Launch team for "Messy Beautiful Love" by Darlene Schacht. I received a PDF copy of the book for being a part of the Launch Team and I am currently diving into the book, which is AMAZING! The Release Day is September 16th, but you can Pre-Order NOW

A special package of FREEBIES have been put together, as a THANK YOU, for those who Pre-Order. Check out the wonderful, encouraging, assortment of "Freebies"!!

I encourage you to take a look at the website for the book, Messy Beautiful Love and download a FREE chapter. I know that you will be encouraged and uplifted from this book.

I pray that Marriages will be renewed, uplifted and transformed and experience the Messy Beautiful Love!!

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