Wednesday, December 31, 2014

GoodBye 2014: A month by month Recap of 2014

I came into 2014 filled with optimism, happiness, looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. I had even picked a "Word for 2014" and was looking forward to seeing that bought into our life. Well, 2014 proved to be the WORST year of my life! A recap of my year, month by month.

January started with BITTER cold and ugly weather. The weather was so cold here that someone coined the word "Chiberia" and Chicago Public Schools closed for 2 days, which followed by almost all schools in Chicagoland area closing for 2 days.

January 6th was the first below Zero HIGH temp for the day and also the day we began having issues with our one and only vehicle. Harlin was driving to work and it began overheating BAD. He made it to and from work that day, but it was a struggle. We decided it probably was best not to drive it until we got it looked at. Harlin was able to get rides to and from work during the BITTER cold. We would eventually find out that the Head Gasket blew on the van. We use mobile mechanics and would not be able to get the van fixed until Mid-February when the funds were available and our mobile mechanic had a garage to work from. January was difficult because we were without a vehicle until Mid-February. The BITTER cold and 33" of snow that fell that month made for difficulty getting around and even doing basic things like getting groceries. THANKFULLY, friends and family helped us by taking us grocery shopping or Harlin stopped at Aldi, across the street on his way home from the bus stop.

I had made a decision on which "Healthy Lifestyle" plan I wanted to work on and requested a book "Trim Healthy Mama" from our local Library on January 15th. The Library system of 80 libraries only had 2 copies in the system and there were 6 requests for the book.

My life would come to a screeching HALT when I received the most devasting and life changing news EVER. My Wonderful, AWESOME, Dad passed away unexpectedly on February 4, 2014. My Dad had been in a nursing home since May 4th, 2013 but we thought he was doing soo much better. He was on 3 day a week dialysis since 2007 and he missed going to Dialysis on Monday February 3rd because he wasn't feeling well. I did talk to him on Monday, but he didn't tell me he hadn't gone to dialysis. The nursing home and my Dad called my mom at 2:30am on Tuesday the 4th as he was being transferred to the hospital. My Dad ultimately had a heart attack on his way to the hospital and his heart just gave out. He was only 62yrs old and he was an AMAZING Dad and all around person.

Here is what I wrote on Facebook that day: 
Today has been the HARDEST day of my life. My Dad passed away early this morning.

My Dad was the Kindest, Gentlest, BIG Hearted man. He was a HARD worker and LOVED his family, friends and LOVED talking to people he met "on the street". My dad taught me, my boys and many others, and taught by example one of the GREATEST lessons ever: Give to others and take care of others before yourself. I will miss those daily, even up to several times a day, phone calls. He had the BIGGEST smile and could make anyone smile and laugh with him. He was an encourager and all around GREAT DAD!!

My Dad LOVED the Eagle. I am reminded of this verse today:
Isaiah 40:31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
He is running and not weak, he is walking with ease and no cane anymore. My dad SOARED to Heaven today and until we meet again: I LOVE YOU DAD!

Saturday, February 8th we had a Visitation and Service for my Dad and it was very well attended, even though there was a snowstorm the entire day. I am VERY grateful for all you supported our family during that week and the weeks and months to come.

The rest of February was a blur. We did get our van fixed and the head gasket replaced around February 15th and that was a blessing to have our vehicle back in working order.

I began a "mentoring relationship" with someone from our church. She and I meet a couple times a month and she has been an encouragement to me for this entire year, even through the trials of 2014.

Nothing else significant happened in March or nothing that I can recall. March was still a blur and I was still very heartbroken over the loss of my Dad. I continued to wait for the "healthy Lifestyle" book to come to the library and was in touch with the library often in regards to the hold up.

April was a VERY difficult month. My Dad would have been 63 on April 12th. My mom, siblings, grandkids, spouses and I all got together and visited the Cemetery where my Dad's parents and many other relatives are buried. My sister had picked up my Dad's ashes that day before coming to the Cemetary. We "buried" some of my Dad's ashes at the foot of his parents headstones. We all shared our favorite memories of my Dad. Very windy day, but a BEAUTIFUL sunshine day. We went back to my mom's place where we ordered Pizza and had Pepsi, one of my Dad's favorite meals.

We received our Income Tax Refund and we took care of some annual payments and more. I bought my own copy of "Trim Healthy Mama" and also ordered some of the items needed/wanted to make the lifestyle change happen. I also went shopping at Costco and Sam's Club for healthy groceries and more.

I began coming out of my "hiding" in April and getting energy back.

I began what would be about 2 months of Drs. Appointments and check ups and blood work. I always do yearly blood work and more due to the health issues in our family history. I see my Primary Doctor and a couple of Specialists to check up on a few things.

I began the "Trim Healthy Mama" lifestyle change on May 12th and it has been wonderful. Trim Healthy Mama is a simple plan to follow and I don't ever feel like I am on a "diet". It is NOT a diet as it is a Long Term, Lifestyle change.

June started out OK, but the middle of the month bought sorrow and grief once again. June 15th, Fathers Day, I was "talking" to my cousin via Facebook on how she was doing as we both lost our Dad's within that year and it was our first Father's Day without our dads. Later that evening I would receive a message from her sister that Erin had been rushed to the hospital and was in critical condition. 24 hours later my 39yr old cousin passed away from undetected heart blockage. Erin Kathleen and I were always VERY close growing up and I have AWESOME memories of her and I. She is truly missed.

July things were starting to look GREAT. We had started to take care of things for our household and began a mission(to revealed hopefully in 2015) and I was getting back into our routine.
Our household came to a screeching halt once again on July 18th when a family member decided to make a phone call that could have destroyed our household. I am glad the phone call was filled with LIES and UNTRUTHS, as this "BULLY" was only being spiteful. I knew that even though the actions of this family member were spiteful, I needed to forgive them for their actions, even through the whole TRIAL of their action of making a lied filled phone call. I choose to do that and continue to do so. We would ultimately be put through 2 months of CRAZY stuff and proving the phone call was made up of LIES and Spitefulness. We succeeded in proving the family member was being Spiteful and made up a BUNCH of lies. God is GOOD to our family and we had him on our side!!

We had to keep "low key" this month as we continued the battle that was bought on by a family member who was spiteful.

We began our routine for the year and things were going smoothly. We awaited the word on the outcome of the Phone Call filled with lies and we received the notice on Sept. 19th that we were CLEARED!! God is GOOD!

Sept 20th, I was gone for the entire day and come home to find that our Main PC had CRASHED!! I tried everything I could to revive it, but couldn't. I started using the boys computer in the front room, but it just isn't the same. I was glad for my phone and tablet as I still had wifi access in our household.

October was a good month! My BIL found an AWESOME Mini-Van for a WONDERFUL price and helped us secure it and helped us make it a "new to us" vehicle. We had expressed interest in getting a "new to us" vehicle in the Spring, but he helped make it happen way sooner! I put our 2000 Oldsmobile Silohoutte for sale on Craigslist and OfferUp. I priced it at $1,200 as our goal was to get $1,000. 2 weeks after posting the van for sale, it sold for $1,000. The girl who purchased it had NO vehicle and her dad is a mechanic and could help with the "quirky" little repairs it still needed.

We did find someone to take a look at our main PC. He is a friend of a friend. He at first thought it was not recoverable, but he tinkered with it some more and recovered all our Files and got it up and running again. Cost $150. We havent' been able to pick it up yet, as the funds are not there, but we soon will.

October 27th our Router DIED so we had NO internet access at home now. We purchased a new router a week later but still could not get things to connect. Wifi was not consistent and there was NO internet to the boys PC.

We were without internet access ALL month as we still couldn't get the router working properly.

Broken family relationships would come this month, broken as in disowned. The broken relationships were not my call, but once it happened it released a lot of anxiety and more and gave me a sense of relief. Sometimes getting "toxic people" from your life is a WONDERFUL thing! The "Bully" was bullied and didn't like it and disowned family.

My BIL would call and say "I have an opportunity for you and Harlin. He had another GREAT vehicle at another GREAT price. This vehicle would become Harlin's vehicle and a second car for the family. Having a Second car has been wonderful. We were thinking about second car come Spring, but it happened now and it has been AWESOME.

Thanksgiving Day: We spent it at home, just the 5 of us and I liked it that way. Low Key day with lots of memories.

WOOHOO!! Harlin had someone from church come over and get our new router up and running. We still don't have our Main PC back from the repair guy, but the boys CPU is being used as the main PC right now. We now have FULL internet access.

Christmas Day: The boys didn't get everything they wanted from their list, we would need mega money for that to happen. We had a good day and went to dinner at Harlin's Brothers place.

New Years Eve: We are having our traditional New Years Eve. Finger Foods and Snacks, Watching Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve and local countdown coverage and having fun today at home!

2014 has had more Trials then I have ever had in my Life. 2014 has been a BAD year for many, including myself, and I have been wanting it to be over since March. I am glad to see 2014 come to an END!!

I am not making any Resolutions or promises for 2015, as 2014 taught me our best laid plans are not God's plan. I can make promises and resolutions, but God's plan will always come to fruition before our plans. I am praying for God to move in our life next year and help us have an AWESOME year! We do have some Goals that we would like to achieve next year, but we have to follow God's plan and if our goals align with his plans, it will all happen!!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mosaics Review: Wizzy Gizmo Fast Track Bible Pack

I recently received a product from Wizzy Gizmo that has been a wonderful addition to our Home and Homeschool. Fast Track Bible Pack is a set of 27 cards, each card has information on the New Testament books of the bible.

The Fast Track Bible Pack cards are 2 sided, colorful, medium sized Flashcards. The Front Side consists of a summary about the author the Book, how many chapters the book contains,  and a Key Verse. The Back of the card has been catergorized to make it easy to follow. The catergories include:
Outline, Key Chapters, Key Passages, Key Doctrines, and Key People. The set retails for $14.99 and is a great value.

I really LOVE that the set is made of high quality card stock and very durable, especially with boys using the set. My boys and I have really enjoyed using the set, and it has been extremely helpful to my 11yr old as he is a Struggling Learner. The set is easy for him to follow and comprehend, something we haven't seen for him during Bible Study time. I also have learned a few new things by using the cards with my boys, which I am also loving! We have been using the cards are part of our Bible Study time in our Homeschool day, but there are many other possible uses from them including Family Devotions, Individual Devotions time, Youth Group time and more. We are excited that Fast Track Bible Pack has been a wonderful addition to our Bible Study time and our family life.

Are you interested in learning more about Fast Track Bible Pack? Check out the product page HERE. The Product Page is filled with info on how to use it with the different ages of the family and how why the product is useful.

Wizzy Gizmo has many other products including Audio Dramas and Book Series, all geared to helping your children and family grow in their faith by planting themselves in God's Word.

Where to find Wizzy Gizmo on the web: 


Wizzy Gizmo is a company is prides themselves in helping children and families learn the Word of God and their products are AMAZING!

To Read more Reviews about Wizzy Gizmo Products: Home & School Mosaics

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Home School Adventure Co. Giveaway

WOW, check out this AWESOME giveaway by a WONDERFUL company, Home School Adventure Co. Home School Adventure Co. is a Family Run business and the products are OUTSTANDING. I have had the pleasure of using and reviewing products from Home School Adventure Co. and each one is always challenging and a wonderful addition to our Homeschool Curriculum. You can see my reviews of Home School Adventure Co. products and the enthusiasm we have for them here:  Mere Christianity Journal and Philoposophy Adventure. 

Home School Adventure Co. is ready to release their latest biblical worldview resource -- Creative Freewriting Adventure - A Journey Into Freewriting! Creative Freewriting Adventure is a collection of thought-provoking freewriting exercises designed to inspire creativity and critical thinking, even in reluctant writers. The official release of this wonderful resource will be at a Facebook Party on Thursday, September 18, 9 PM ET. I've heard there will be lots of prizes given away that night (and some free stuff for all guests, too). I hope you will join me! You can RSVP here. I am joining author, Stacy Farrell, and Home School Adventure Co. to celebrate the release of Creative Freewriting Adventure with this impressive giveaway, valued at nearly $300! One winner will win PRINT copies of all of HSA's resources, plus 4 biblical worldview books and a lovely
canvas tote bag.

Creative Freewriting Adventure Giveaway -- Winner will be announced at the Facebook Release Party on September 18

 Here's what you could win:

Creative Freewriting Adventure - A Journey into Freewriting ($21.95)

Bring joy and excitement into your student’s writing with these simple-to-execute (yet significant) writing exercises. No prep required. Just grab a pen and paper, set a timer, and have fun! Writing can be hard work. Good writing most often results from much rewriting, and much rewriting can make a writer weary. Since Philosophy Adventure students polish one primary writing assignment over the course of several weeks (supported by clear step-by-step instructions and seven writing checklists), we created freewriting exercises to offset their hard work with play!


Philosophy Adventure™ — Pre-Socratics Complete Set with Resources CD  ($89.95)

DO YOU NEED to teach advanced writing and speaking skills? DO YOU WANT your students equipped to discern truth as ungodly messages bombard them? DO YOU WONDER how to cover all they need academically as well as practically? Philosophy Adventure may be your solution! Philosophy Adventure™ is designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas.


Mere Christianity Journal and Softcover Print Bundle (Journal & Book) ($38.95)

Have we forgotten whose we are? In this “Age of Tolerance,” Christians are in danger of forgetting (or never learning) what distinguishes a Christian worldview from other worldviews. The Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal is a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview. A companion to Lewis’s classic work, the Journal can be used for independent study with teenagers or adults, or as a group study in families, homeschools, co-ops, classrooms, Sunday school, and small groups. This bundle contains the Print Edition of the Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal with a softcover edition of Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis’s original work.


Philippians in 28 Weeks -- Scripture Memory Resource ($28.95)

What does it mean to love Him with all your mind? The Bible is banned in many countries. Countless believers have sacrificed their freedom—and many, their lives—to spread the message of God’s love and salvation contained within its pages. Are we exercising our freedom responsibly? Memorize the entire book of Philippians in 28 weeks!


The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions ($28.95)

How do you train a heart? George MacDonald's The Wise Woman enchants readers while it contrasts the ugliness of pride, selfishness and conceit with the beauty of humility, sacrifice, and compassion. The Wise Woman is a perfect story for a family to read together curled up on the couch under a warm afghan or after a meal. (It is only fair to warn you: once you read the first chapter, you might not put it down. More than one mom has stayed up late to read after her children have gone to bed.) Read each chapter and discuss the literary analysis questions and vocabulary. Clear writing requires clear thinking. The exercise of formulating and writing answers will strengthen your students’ thinking and communication skills. Middle school and high school students create a profound keepsake as they write their answers in the book. By offering students 16 to 24 literary analysis questions per chapter, this 160-page spiral bound edition teaches critical thinking in a way that is engaging and transformational.


Nancy Pearcey Book Bundle ($63.98)

Nancy R. Pearcey  is scholar in residence and professor at Houston Baptist University, where she is also director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture. She is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Previously she was the Francis A. Schaeffer Scholar at the World Journalism Institute, where she taught a worldview course based on her book Total Truth, winner of the 2005 ECPA Gold Medallion Award for best book on Christianity and Society. She has also served as professor of worldview studies at Philadelphia Biblical University, during which time she wrote her most recent book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning. This bundle of books written by Nancy Pearcey includes: The Soul of Science - Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy Total Truth- Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity Saving Leonard0 - A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals & Meaning


Home School Adventure Tote Bag ($18)


This duo color canvas tote is roomy enough to hold all of your Home School Adventure Co. reasouces! Sturdy and fashionable, it is emblazened with the Home School Adventure Co. logo on one side, and the words, "Cultivate and defend a biblical worldview" on the other.
 The winner of this giveaway will be announced during the Creative Freewriting Facebook Release Party on Thursday, September 18, 9-10 PM ET. Please join us on the Home School Adventure Co. Facebook wall that evening to find out if you won! (Winner does not need to be present to win.) Be sure to RSVP here.


 To enter the giveaway, please complete the Rafflecopter below. U. S. residents, age 18 and older please. Other terms and conditions are located in the Rafflecopter.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Book Review: More Blood What does School really do to your kids?

More Blood is the most controversial book on education ever written. It has the power to change the conversation about school forever. And while More Blood is non-fiction, it is anything but dull! Personal stories, forgotten histories, secret motives, and dark sciences make this book a true page-turner. The deeper you read, the more that's revealed. More-Blood-Web

More Blood
is broken into three parts: The Place Without Love, The Evolution of Tyranny, and A Programmable Man. When you get to Part 3, you won't want to believe what you read, but won't be able to help reflecting on it for the rest of your life. Part 3 will blow your mind! You'll never look at school the same. If you have school-aged children, you must read More Blood – you have to know what school is really doing to them!


Click here to read a free sample

Part 1: The Stairway to Hell.

In it, you'll discover a taste of the stories that bring this book to life. More Blood is available in Paperback for $17.99 and digital versions for $9.99.

Join the Discussion!

Whether you agree or disagree, you voice is important. Over the next few months, Britton will be speaking about topics in More Blood and we'd love for you to join the conversation! On Sep. 11, at 8:00 p.m. we are teaming up with the iHomeschool Network for a LIVE interview to talk about two major myths of public education. Or, make your voice heard by using #MoreBlood.

RSVP for the event on Google+ or watch it on YouTube!


If you'd like more information, or to see upcoming interviews with the author, just click here to subscribe.

More Blood Giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of More Blood! 9 other people will get a digital copy of More Blood.
100 amazon-gift-card giveaway

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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Book Preview: Messy Beautiful LOVE,

Ohhh, the dreams we have about marriage, when we experience our "first love". I know many dream of a "Perfect Spouse, Perfect Children, Wonderful house with a picket fence, etc." The reality is that Marriage takes a lot of work and effort and the expectation for Perfectionism can create chaos and other issues. We have to surrender our "dreams" to God and allow him to lead and direct our marriage to have a Beautiful Marriage. I got married on August 1, 1998 and our marriage is still a "work in progress", as I continue to learn on creating a beautiful marriage and surrendering to God. I am a Perfectionist by nature and I have learned over the years how much of a hindrance that is to the marriage.

I am VERY excited to be part of the Launch team for "Messy Beautiful Love" by Darlene Schacht. I received a PDF copy of the book for being a part of the Launch Team and I am currently diving into the book, which is AMAZING! The Release Day is September 16th, but you can Pre-Order NOW

A special package of FREEBIES have been put together, as a THANK YOU, for those who Pre-Order. Check out the wonderful, encouraging, assortment of "Freebies"!!

I encourage you to take a look at the website for the book, Messy Beautiful Love and download a FREE chapter. I know that you will be encouraged and uplifted from this book.

I pray that Marriages will be renewed, uplifted and transformed and experience the Messy Beautiful Love!!

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Monday, July 21, 2014

THE SALE of the YEAR: Build Your Bundle Homeschool Curriculum Sale

It is FINALLY HERE, the Homeschool Curriculum SALE of the Summer, even the YEAR!!! Save up to 92% this WEEK ONLY!!! Check out all the AWESOME product bundles and how you can put together a Bundle that fits your Family Needs!! The sale has something for EVERYONE, of all ages, including Mom and Family!

Build Your Bundle is a SALE like no other and one that you CANNOT miss!! The Savings are soo AWESOME, you won't even have to break into the kids Piggy Banks.

(The Links below are Affiliate Links)

Homeschooling Curriculum On Sale for up to 92% off - One Week Only!

The "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition sale is here!

For one week only (July 21-28) save up to 92% on bestselling homeschooling products, including MANY from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 list!

Take a look at the bundles:

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Charlotte Mason Bundle

This bundle features complete curriculum using the Charlotte Mason Methods for language arts, handwriting, and reading, a full geography curriculum, a plethora of resources for studying nature, artists, poetry, and a variety of "extras" just for mom!

Included are popular products: Write From History, Sheldon's New Language Lessons, Handwriting Lessons Through Literature, Fine Art Pages, Grapevine Bible Study, and more!

Learn all about Charlotte Mason and enjoy a special bonus (a $90 value all by itself)—the top 5 best selling G.A. Henty audio books from Jim Hodges Productions. This bundle is jam packed full of amazing resources your family will love!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Tots & PreK Bundle

Teach your littlest ones about God's amazing creation and the value of virtue using our Tot & Preschool Bundle!

Included are popular products from: We Choose Virtues, Character Concepts, Grapevine Bible Studies, and more!

This bundle gives you a complete Christ-centered preschool program, including age-appropriate character-building tools, a stick-figure Bible study, a creation-based coloring book, a handwriting curriculum, an independent activity guide (for those times when you need a moment to focus), and much more!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! K-3rd Grade Bundle

Teach your K-3 children basic skills and core truths through easily understandable lessons and hands-on activities. Our K-3 Bundle includes reading, math, science, handwriting, character training and Bible resources.

Your children will experience life in 17th century America as they learn about the settlers and our 13 original colonies. You will have everything you need to savor these first days of discovery!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Elementary: 4-6th Bundle

This bundle features Wordsmith Apprentice from Common Sense Press, a Cathy Duffy Top 100 Pick! Included is a science curriculum teaching Geology, also from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 Picks.

You will also find "Mapping the Word With Art", a highly acclaimed curriculum that has a blend of history, geography, and art. There is more: Bible, handwriting and copywork resources, writing guides, timeline cards, ancient history notebooking pages, creative writing for both boys and girls, and an editable weekly homeschool planner for Mom - all for one LOW PRICE!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Middle School Bundle

Your middle school students will tour the classical world and develop academic excellence using our Middle School Bundle.

This bundle features Learning Language Arts Through Literature and two science curricula, one from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, as well as your choice of volumes from "A Child's Geography" - a complete geography and history curriculum!

Also included is a popular history timeline/book of centuries, Renaissance and Reformation notebooking pages, a classical music curriculum and famous composers notebooking pages, and a creative writing collection that even "non-writers" will love!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!High School Bundle

Your high school students will develop academic mastery and intellectual maturity using our High School Bundle.

This bundle features a New Testament Bible curriculum, an introduction to psychology, a full year of math curriculum, resources for world history and geography, philosophy, home economics, college prep, grammar, a creative writing collection that even "non-writers" will love, an anatomy science unit study from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks, and more! You will receive enough materials for a full year of high school!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Bundle Just for Moms!

Save money, strengthen your marriage, and streamline your schedule using our Mom Bundle. Find the encouragement you need and the insight to speak to your child’s heart (even that difficult child!).

Whip your home into shape and train your children to do their chores effectively with a Easy Peasy Chores ($18.99 value!) This bundle brims with useful tools to help you bring calm to the chaos. Get them all for just $10!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Build Your OWN Bundles

Would you rather hand-pick your selections? There are two "Build Your Own" Bundle Options!

You can choose any 5 products priced $19.99 and under for just $25 ~ a savings of 75%!

You can choose any 10 products priced $19.99 and under for just $39 ~ a savings of 80%!

SO many amazing products to choose from!


Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

*Lots of ways to save!

  1. When you purchase ANY 2 pre-assembled bundles you will get the 3rd pre-assembled bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  2. When you purchase ANY 2 "build your own" bundles you will get the 3rd "build your own" bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  3. Tell your friends about the "Build Your Bundle" - Homeschool Edition Sale using our referral system that is found on the top of the website! When 10 of your referrals visit our site using your unique link, we will give you a code to save 10% off your total purchase!
*The B2G1 50% off offer applies to pre-assembled or "Build Your Own" Bundles only. Discount taken off the lowes priced bundle. See site for complete details and FAQ.

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

You might also be interested in:

Charlotte Mason Style Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $377.35 - On Sale for ONLY $49.00 - One Week Only! Elementary Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $220.35 - On Sale for ONLY $39.00 - One Week Only! Middle School Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $361.77 - On Sale for ONLY $59.00 - One Week Only!
High School Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $381.68 - On Sale for ONLY $69.00 - One Week Only! K-3 Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $187.13 - On Sale for ONLY $39.00 - One Week Only! K-3 Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $171.37 - On Sale for ONLY $29.00 - One Week Only!
K-3 Homeschooling Curriculum - Normally $118.19 - On Sale for ONLY $10.00 - One Week Only!  Homeschooling Curriculum - You Choose What to Buy - Save up to 80% - One Week Only!  Homeschooling Resources, Curriculum & More - Save up to 60% - One Week Only!

Keep Checking Back throughout the Week as I highlight the Bundles in the Sale! DON'T MISS OUT, good until Monday July 28th!!

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