Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mosaic Review: Classical Historian: Ancient History Go Fish Game

I believe in "Fun Learning" and that is the "way we roll" many times in our homeschool journey. I was excited to be selected to use and review a new Fun, Learning Game from Classical Historian as part of my participation in the Mosaic Reviews Team. I was given a free Ancient History Go Fish game to use and review.

About the Game: 
Four Games in One:

A. Go Fish

B. Collect the Cards

C. Chronology

D. Continents

This one deck of 50 cards with the answer key teaches the following skills through four fun games: Basic historical facts, Chronology, Geography, Association, and Social Skills required to follow the rules and play games with others. (taken from publishers site about product)

My Thoughts and Review: 

The one thing my family enjoys is our Family Fun Night. Family Fun Night is usually every Friday night and we usually play board games or other Family Fun activities, while enjoying Homemade Pizza. We are 1/2 through our Ancient History curriculum, so this was a good fit for our family.

We all decided to do play a traditional "Go Fish" game first, for the advantage of the 9yr old, who due to vision issues, can't read YET. We used the Color Circles in the Left corner to "request" cards from others by saying "Do you have a Blue 4?" etc. We played many rounds like this and had a blast. My 9yr old teamed up with me when we played the "Collect the Cards" game, as it required reading. My boys liked that OK, although my 8yr old was like "Huh" to some of the cards. Some of the information wasn't familiar to him as we are only 1/2 way through Ancient History. The boys all LOVED the Chronology and Geography style games as it required "being the fastest". They all love trying to beat each other out in speed tests of all kinds, so they all LOVED both of these games. I even caught my 11yr old sneaking in a few games on a "rainy day" with his 8 yr old brother. My 11 yr old LOVES his computer games, for this is a GREAT thing!

Our family really enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the Ancient History Go Fish Game. I am very glad that we are able to have FUN and my boys are getting that extra "Learning" at the same time. I am sure we are going to find ways to "tweak" it to go along with the rest of our Ancient History studies and beyond. I really LOVE the thickness of the cards, it seems like they have a lamination coating on them.The cards are BRIGHT and colorful, the numbers and letters on each make it easy for the young ones to play along. I really like that the instructions are also written on cards, as having paper folded into card boxes is a tricky feat sometimes.

I give Ancient History Go Fish Game by Classical Historian 5 out of 5 stars!

More info about Classical Historian and the Go Fish Game: 

The Go Fish Games comes in 3 Historical times: Ancient History, Medieval History and American History. Individual games sell for $11.95 each pack or you can buy the Bundle pack of all 3 games for $29.95

Check out the Full List of Games: HERE
Check out all  their products: HERE

Classical Historian has many more products designed to make History FUN!

You can find Classical Historian on the Web at:

Website  (You can sign up for the monthly newsletter on their site)


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Friday, June 21, 2013

Gabby Moms Review: For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn

"I just don't understand Men" is something I am constantly saying. I am sure many women say that also and that is why Shaunti Feldhahn has Revised and Updated her very popular books For Women Only and For Men Only. I recently was given a copy of both books as part of my participation in Gabby Moms program. I read For Women Only and now I have the "411" on this book!

About the Book: 
Discover the Truth He Wants You to Know

The man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they’re there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to “get” him—to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you.

In her landmark bestseller, For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn reveals what every woman—single or married—needs to know. Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another, including:
• Why your respect means more to him than your love.
• How he feels deep inside about his role as provider.
• What it means for a man to be so visually “wired.”
• Why sex for him is primarily emotional, not physical.
• What he most wishes he could say to you.

Now, in this expanded and updated edition, you’ll find insights from the latest brain research plus an all-new chapter that shows what’s really going on when he seems to “check out.” (You’ll be surprised and pleased.) And now there is a NEW companion video study pack which can be used in a group setting, individually or for mentoring or counseling.

Millions worldwide have experienced dramatic change in their relationships because of the “aha” moments and practical ideas in this little book. Discover how to love your man for who he really is. (from the author's website)

Shaunti Feldhahn "Only" Series Relaunch from Shaunti Feldhahn on Vimeo.

My Thoughts and Review: 

I will be truthful that I get frustrated with the constant things that seem like "common sense" to me but doesn't click with my husband. I get a "bad attitude" when things are not clicking and in my opinion things are "not turning out how they should". Shaunti Feldhahn really does her research for this book(literally) and gets down to the "Nitty Gritty" of why Men are the way they are and how we as women can better understand them.

My personal favorite part of the book is the section of "6 Needs of Men":
  • Need 1:Respect His Judgement
  • Need 2:Respect His Abilities
  • Need 3:Respect What He Accomplishes
  • Need 4:Respect In Communication
  • Need 5:Respect in Public
  • Need 6:Respect in Our Assumptions
WOW!! Each of those NEEDS is EVERYTHING I struggle with in trying to understand my husband or let me be truthful in that I "am holding a wall up" to those areas. I know as I further digest this book I will "get it" and be able to break down those walls.

I really enjoyed all the surveys, studies and research that bought this book together. Shaunti Feldhahn does a WONDERFUL job at explaining to Women how to deeply understand men. I LOVED this book!

I give For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn 5 out of 5 stars.

Want a Sneak Peek into the book: 
                     FOR MEN ONLY

Where to buy the Book: 
Amazon,  Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook, and FamilyChristianStores

Want to Win Something? You can enter to win in 2 different Giveaways:

Giveaway #1: Lorrie Flem is giving away a DVD Bundle pack.
 The DVD Bundle pack will include the NEW DVD Study and also a copy of For Women Only book and For Men Only Book. You can enter here:  Lorrie Flem's Giveaway 

Giveaway #2: One lucky reader of my blog will receive a copy of the For Women Only Book and 
also For Men Only book. Enter via the form below: 

I would also invite you to check out Lorrie's website and the many other products she has available at Eternal Encouragement. Also, check out the Bi-Monthly FREE Eternal Encouragement Digital Magazine.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Adventures in Odyssey- A.C.T.S- A Call to Serve & Imagination Station Book Giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a Gift Pack containing Imagination Books 1-3, Audio CD's and a Devotion book from Adventures in Odyssey in exchange for promoting their A.C.T.S Challenge and Contest. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own. 

Summer is a great time to relax and keep the kids busy. Adventures in Odyssey is calling on Kids to reach out and do Service Projects via their program A.C.T.S-A Call to Serve. Service Projects and serving others is something that I have been practicing with my boys since they were very young and we continue to do so. My boys look forward to serving others and doing service projects and it is NEVER too late to instill Acts of Service in your children. Matter of fact, Summer is a GREAT time to work on Service Projects as the kids have more time to do things. My oldest and I will be serving at our church's Vacation Bible School in a couple of weeks. The boys and I like to visit Downtown Chicago and when we do we bring little baggies for the homeless. Each baggie contains a bottle of water, crackers and another snack. We serve year round and we are blessed as much as those we are serving!

Theme: Imagine creative and fun ways to serve using your unique gifts!

Unleashing Imagination
Children are spending more and more time in front of TVs, iPads, computers, and video games. That doesn’t leave much room for kids to dream up their own visual images—like the ones that fill their minds when they hear a great story! Rather than passively receiving images, kids actively engage in making images themselves when they hear a good story. Their imaginations are enriched and stimulated, and the material becomes more personal and memorable.

Adventures in Odyssey is all about great stories—and the power of the imagination. The beloved audio dramas are heard on over 700 radio stations, and AIO has recently expanded to books and devotionals—including The Imagination Station series, a fast-growing line of early chapter readers. You can check them out by downloading a FREE e-book of Imagination Station #1: Voyage with the Vikings!

This summer, Adventures in Odyssey encourages kids to write their OWN stories, as they join in ACTS: A Call to Serve! AIO is helping children use their imaginations to serve their family, community, and world this summer—maybe by sending a care package to a missionary or baking cookies for the local fire department. Check out  for details and a chance to win fabulous prizes, including a mission trip with a parent to Costa Rica!

More important than prizes are the stories your child will tell about the creative ways they served others, and how they grew as a result. And what they come up with really might change the world!

A Creative Story of Service
Fourteen-year-old Matthew, a dedicated Adventures in Odyssey fan and natural tech whiz, was inspired by a trip to the Apple store to create a smartphone app for his church. Since then, he has created 21 apps for different ministries, including his local pregnancy resource center, Joni and Friends (an international ministry for people with disabilities), and even an “Adventures in Odyssey Fan News” app! Matthew used his God-given talents and imagination to bless others through technology. Which of your kid’s unique gifts are waiting to be unleashed for God’s use?

Some FREE things for your family:
Adventures in Odyssey Fan News App:

 and Android

An ACTS “Summer of Service” kit

FREE e-book of Imagination Station #1, Voyage with the Vikings

A Giveaway: 

Imagination Station books are a GREAT series for kids ages 7-12 and are take the kids back in time with  historical story tellings. One reader of my blog will win the first 3 books (as pictured above) in the series of 11 books.
Enter the Giveaway below via Giveaway tools:

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Mosaic Reviews: "How Do We Know God is Really There?" by Melissa Cain Travis (Apologia Product)

I really enjoy my boys and how "inquisitive" they are. My boys are always asking questions or questioning what they see or hear. I recently received a book "How Do we Know God is Really There? to enjoy with my family, as part of my participation in the Mosaic Review Team. Ohhh yeah, my boys interest was peaked!

About the Book: 
Thomas and his father escape to their backyard tree house most evenings to watch the night sky through a telescope. Thomas is dazzled by what he sees of God’s creation, but he has questions. “Dad, how do we know God is out there?” he asks one night. “I know the Bible says He’s there. But how do we really know that’s true?” Together, Thomas and his father begin to examine the cosmological evidence for God’s existence. This is the first in an exciting new series of picture books designed to introduce kids to important questions of the Christian faith in terms even pre-readers can understand. Read this aloud with your family, and you’ll come away knowing that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1). (From the publishers website)

About the Author: 

Melissa earned the Master of Arts in Science and Religion from Biola University, graduating with Highest Honors. She is certified in Christian Apologetics by Biola, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in general biology from Campbell University. She worked in biotechnology and pharmaceutical research for five years after obtaining her undergraduate degree, and has spent more than a decade studying the science, theology, and philosophy pertaining to the origins debate. She is the author of How Do We Know God is Really There? (Apologia Press, 2013), the first book in what will be known as the Young Defenders series,  a collection of illustrated storybooks that teach the fundamentals of Christian apologetics to young children. Melissa welcomes opportunities to speak and teach on issues related to science and faith. (From the author's website)

My Thoughts and Review: 

My boys and I sat down and read the book together, although my 11yr old strayed away and didn't listen to the whole story. (I did catch my 11 yr old reading the entire book just last night) My 9yr old and 8yr old were very much into the story line, as the book is beautifully writen for "little minds" to understand the complexity of the topic. My 9yr old, who doesn't read yet due to vision issues, was very intrigued and "glued to" the pictures, which are just stunning or as my son put it "COOL". I really like how the book really is a "Father and Son" conversation where the Dad is explaining how God truly exists and shows him the "Evidence" of God's existence. I know my boys are in that age/stage where they are always wanting to grow and learn more about God, but sometimes I find it difficult to answer their questions in a manner that they understand. Melissa Cain Travis took a "complex" question that many parents get asked and helped answer it beautifully. "How do We Know God is Really There?" is the first in a the Young Defenders series, and I am excited to see more in the series as they are released!

The Hardcover book is very well made, perfect size for little hands or throwing in a bag to read on the road. The illustrations are outstanding, the look of them is almost like a Colored Pencil drawing, soft and light.  The book is priced at $16.00, which some might think is a little "out of budget" but it is priced well for the many uses that this book serves.

I give "How Do We Know God is Really There? 5 out of 5 stars.

More info about the Book:

Where to find Apologia on the Web:

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Christian Women Affiliate Review: Everyday Matters Bible for Women

I really enjoy my "Bible Quiet Time" each day. I have a Bible which I like, but sometimes I need that extra encouragement as a Woman of God. I am a member of Christian Women Affiliate Review Crew and I was given the opportunity to Review the EveryDay Matters Bible for Women and it intrigued me. I was intrigued because the Bible has many features that are specifically for women.

The Features that intrigued me were:
Bible features include twenty-four disciplines—or practices—that position us to receive power and strength to do those things that we cannot possibly do on our own and make everyday life fuller and deeper. Each discipline is represented by a colorful icon whose illustration is a reminder of its meaning.
The contemporary language of the New Living Translation combines with content from today’s foremost Christian leaders to help readers understand and apply spiritual discipline.

Every discipline is explored in four ways 
Everyday Matters. Two-page articles introduce major themes and focus on an essential part of understanding and practicing a discipline.
Everyday Profiles. Profiles of twenty-five Biblical women highlight a particular discipline.
Everyday Q & A’s. Short articles delve into a difficult aspect of the spiritual practice and offer practical help on incorporating the discipline into your daily life.
Everyday Reflections. Selections illustrate ways to personalize and apply God’s Word to your own situation.

More than 300 articles and features by more than 140 of today’s most well-known Christian leaders and writers, including: Kay Warren, Priscilla Shirer, Elisa Morgan, Nancy & John Ortberg, Richard Foster, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Lauren Winner.

Special Features include . . . 
• 4-color throughout
• Color-coded icons identify each Spiritual Discipline addressed in contributors’ material
• How to Use This Bible in a Small Group Study
• Index of Spiritual Practices
• Resources for further reading

My Thoughts and Review: 

The EveryDay Matters Bible for Women has been a wonderful encouragement to me. I really like that the format, the disciplines throughout, the articles that are written by well known Christian Leader and Writers. I normally use an ESV bible, but I found the NLT(New Living Translation) to be very easy to comprehend and use. I also really like the "Colorfulness" of the pages and layout. Over the months that I have had the EveryDay Matters Bible, I find myself picking up this bible over my ESV bible for my daily "Quiet Time", as it really encourages me and gives me wisdom in my daily life as a Woman of God.

I give the EveryDay Matters Bible for Women 5 out 5 stars.

More info about the EveryDay Matters Bible for Women:

The HardCover Edition retails for $44.95 and can be purchased through many Christian Books Stores and also at online Retailers.

A detailed informational booklet about the EveryDay Matters Bible for Women can be found HERE.


Where to find EveryDay Matters Bible for Women on the web and Social Media:

Everyday Matters on Publisher's Website

Everyday Matters on Facebook

Everyday Matters on Twitter

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

FREE and FRUGAL Summer Fun for Kids and Families

School's Out, School's Out, Teacher let the Monkey's out! I so remember this "Chant" from my school days and it bought back memories. Now what to do with the kiddos this summer? I know for our area and many areas in Chicago Area, Day Camp at Park Districts and more are at least $120/wk per child. Our family would have to pay $360 per week for our boys to attend. That is soo not in the budget. We are going to create our own "Day Camp" and "Family Fun" this summer with FREE and Cheap activities in and around Chicago area! You all know me, I can't keep good deals to myself, so here are the FREE and Cheap activities that I am considering.

I will start with some National Programs for all:
FREE or Cheap Summer Movie Events:
Cinemark Movie Theatres will have the Summer Movie Clubhouse. Movies are shown on Wednesday at 10am. You can purchase a 10 movie Punch Card for $5 or pay $1 per show. The rates are per person.

Regal Movie Theatres have the Summer Movie Express. Movies are shown Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. Cost is $1 per person per movie.

Classic Cinemas has Wednesday Morning Movie Series. Movies are $1 per person per movie.

Marcus Theatres has the Summer Movie Series. $2 movies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from June 18th until August 15th.

Check here for more National Movie Theatres and their Summer Movie Programs. 

FREE Bowling:

Kids Bowl Free is a wonderful site that lists many "Independent" Bowling Alleys in all 50 states. Sign your child up and they get 2 FREE games a day. Shoe rental is not included, but usually inexpensive.

AMF Bowling has a FREE Bowling program for kids also. Sign your child(ren) up and they receive 2 games a day through Sept 2nd. You can also do as I did and pay $34.95 up front and get an Adults Bowling Pass. The pass allows up to 4 adults to bowl FREE along with the kids. Shoe rental is not included for neither Children or Adults at AMF, but is inexpensive.

Brunswick Bowl has a FREE Bowling Program. Sign your child(ren) up and they receive 1 FREE game each day through August. Shoe rental is Extra.

Free Roller Skating: 
Kids Skate Free  is still a little new, but has quite a few locations throughout the USA. You can register at the location nearest you and each facility runs the program independently.

Summer Reading Programs:

Barnes and Noble reading program: Print out the log from HERE and have your child(ren) read 8 books. The child(ren) will get a FREE book from B&N once list is complete.

Half Price Books: Feed Your Brain is the Half Price Books Reading program Children need to read at least 15 minutes a day and 300 minutes per month during June and July, turn in form and receive a $5 GC for Half Price Books. Each child can earn $5 per month.

Books A Million: Children will receive a FREE Carl Hiaasen Hoot or Chomp Backpack(while supplies last)when they read 6 books from the list BAM provides!

Check your local Library to see if they have a Reading Program going for the summer. Most libraries have a FUN program each year!

The Chicagoland area, especially the City of Chicago, have many fun and FREE or Cheap Summer Activities for both kids and families.

FREE Family Fun Festival at Millennium  Park begins June 17-August 18. Check out the info and Schedule HERE.  We went to this a couple summers ago and it was soo much fun! My boys LOVED it!

Zoo Fun:
Lincoln Park Zoo is FREE year round, although parking can cost a "pretty penny". GREAT zoo to visit and have fun at.

Brookfield Zoo
has a cost associated with it. You can visit your library in the City of Chicago and in the Suburbs and get a Pass that allows for FREE admission for a limited number of people in the family. Our family buys a yearly membership which not only allows for unlimited FREE admission but also FREE parking. We live only 5 minutes from the Zoo, so the cost is worth it because it pays for itself in 2 visits.

The Cosley Zoo is a small Zoo located in Wheaton, IL. The cost is FREE for kids 17 and under, $5 for Adults and FREE for residents of Wheaton. Check out the Cosley Zoo HERE.

Museums around the City:
Museums very rarely have FREE days in the summer. Residents of the City of Chicago can get FREE admission to most of the City Museums using the Kids Museum Passport. Each pass generally admits 4 people FREE and one must be an adult over 18. Some passes have different restrictions.

Suburban residents can visit their local library to see if they are a participant in the Museum Adventure Pass. Many different Museums are included and most passes are valid for Buy 2 get 2 FREE admissions. Check the Restrictions for the Museums HERE.

Water Fun:
The Chicago LakeFront has many Beaches and FREE swimming available. For a listing of Chicago Beaches and locations check HERE.

The Cook County Forest Preserves have 3 Aquatic Centers. There is a small FEE for these attractions, but it is very inexpensive. Adults (12 and up) are $6, and kids 4-12 are $4, 3 and under are FREE. Check out the locations and more info HERE.

I found a really nice listing of Aquatic Centers all around Chicagoland HERE. The Aquatic Centers do have an admission price and each varies by location. The listing covers many areas of Chicagoland! Many Suburban Park Districts have turned their "Pool" into AWESOME Aquatic Centers, so check the Park District websites. Also, if you are looking for an indoor Pool fun there are a few around Chicagoland. A favorite of my family is the Oak Brook Park District Aquatic Center. My oldest has Asthma and the heat and humidity make him have Asthma attacks, so we enjoy the indoor locations for his benefit. My boys and I are like "fish in the water" and we LOVE swimming!

Nature Fun:
I grew up in the City of Chicago and moved to the Suburbs when I got married. I didn't realize until I got to the suburbs that the Forest Preserves have soo much more to offer then just "Picnic Areas". The only time I went to the Forest Preserves growing up was for Picnics. I have since discovered the Nature Centers and Programs the Forest Preserves have to offer.

Here are the websites for the different Forest Preserves in and near Chicagoland.
Cook County Forest Preserves
DuPage County Forest Preserves
Will County Forest Preserves  
Kane County Forest Preserves
Lake County Forest Preserves
Forest Park Nature Center(Peoria Park District)
North Park Nature Center(Chicago)  
Check them out for FREE or Frugal Family Fun for the summer.

I also discovered a couple of Nature Centers within Park Districts in the Chicago Area. Lake View Nature Center in Oak Brook Terrace and Lake Katherine in Palos Heights both have Wild Wednesdays. The events are FREE and are on a drop in basis. No registration required. Check out the websites for more details on the program. Summer Time Nature Fun is a wonderful thing!!

Library Fun: Check your local Library for FUN activities like Movie Days, Story Time, Arts and Craft time and much more. Libraries are a GREAT resource for FREE family fun, including Family Game Night a couple times a month.

More places to find ideas for Family Fun and Family Activities:
Pinterest:  I tried so hard not to get pulled into Pinterest but about a year ago I get "reeled in" and I LOVE IT! I have found many great ideas on Pinterest. I even have a Summer Fun Board.

A GREAT resource for Chicagoland parents is Chicago Parent Magazine. The magazine comes out monthly in libraries in both the City and Suburbs. The magazine publishes a calendar in the back of each monthly edition with Family Fun activities all around Chicagoland. 4x a year(one for every season) they put a special edition called Going Places. It is a BIG listing of their monthly calendar of events. Check out the website and pick up a copy of the monthly magazine and the Summer Edition of Going Places for some GREAT listings of Family Fun. (not all events listed are FREE, but many are). I LOVE Chicago Parent magazine, it is a GREAT resource year round! Do a google search if you live in another state, near a BIG city. I know cities like Dallas, New York and others have a "Parent Magazine", like the sister magazine to Chicago Parent.

Chicago Kids is a GREAT online Resource to find fun  and activities for Kids and Families.

Our family also loves Summer Time Fairs and Festivals. Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities and more have some fun Fairs and Festivals. We really like some of those that "take us back in time" like Old Fashioned Days, Cival War Days, etc. Make sure to check local towns, cities and neighborhoods for local Festivals and Fairs. Also, many towns and villages have "Downtown Fun" nights once a week. Check your own neighborhood for Family Fun events.

I hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL summer! The important thing is not the amount of money you spend on your children, but the amount of time spent creating memories and having fun!


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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mom Central Blog Event: Kids LiveWell Program at National Restaurant Association Show

“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the National Restaurant Association. I attended a live event and received a gift bag and promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

I recently had the opportunity to attend an event at the National Restaurant Association Show here in Chicago to learn more about the Kids LiveWell program in conjunction with Mom Central Consulting. I gladly accepted the invite as I had barely heard of the program and I was soo interested in learning more about the program. I most certainly did learn MUCH about the program!

Our family loves to eat out, but we also find it difficult to find places that offer healthy options for the kids. My boys are "hearty" eaters, but "hearty" can also be "healthy" if right choices are made. The National Restaurant Association (NRA) launched the award-winning Kids LiveWell program to help make the healthful choice the easy choice for parents. The National Restaurant Association created the Kids LiveWell program in 2011 and have been working hard to get it to where it is today! The program, in teaming up with Healthy Dining, began with 19 restaurants and 15,000 locations has now expanded to 135 brands and restaurants and over 40,000 locations throughout the US! The Kids LiveWell Program is continually expanding and adding more restaurants and partners!

The Event that I attended at the National Restaurant Association included a "Sample Taste" of the top 4 winning recipes in the 2013 Kids Recipe Challenge. I sampled the recipes which consisted of Chicken Parmesean with Spaghetti Squash, Chix-N-Cheddar Snappy Jalapeno Wrap, Lil' Pulled Pork Naked Burrito, and Yum! Yum! Chip Chicken! My personal favorite was the Lil' Pulled Pork Naked Burrito from Qdoba restaurant. The great thing about the Recipe Challenge is that the winning entries were judged by kids and are KID Approved! All 4 restaurants were awarded checks at the Sampling Event which was hosted by Chef Marc Murphy, which many know from being a judge on the Food Network show Chopped. The sampling event ended and we headed to a Reception where we "Mingled" and had our pictures taken with Chef Marc Murphy and also Chef Judson Todd Allen, former contestant on Season 8 of The Next Food Network Star. Both Chefs are fully supportive of the Kids LiveWell Program, which is AWESOME!

To Learn More about Kids LiveWell Program: 
Nutritional Criteria for Participating Restaurants can be found HERE

A wonderful Video about the Kids LiveWell Program:

My family and I are excited about the Kids LiveWell Program and are looking forward to trying out a few the menu items at different participating Restaurants. A few personal favorites from my family are: Qdoba, Denny's, Red Robin, Chick-Fil-A and OutBack Steakhouse. We eat out at least once a month, sometimes 2, and we especially love to celebrate special events or birthdays by Eating Out. The Kids LiveWell Program will also us to make Healthy Choices, even when eating out. I have downloaded the Kids LiveWell App to both my Android Phone and Android Tablet. I really like the "Ease of Use" of the App as when we are on the go, we can find a participating restaurant in a jiffy and head for a healthy meal in no time! I hope you all will join me in helping the "Kids LiveWell" by downloading the app and visiting participating restaurants!

You can find "Kids LiveWell" online at:

List of Participating Restuarants: HealthyDiningFinder

Kids LiveWell App: iTunes or Google Play

Kids LiveWell Social Media:     Facebook   Twitter   YouTube

The Kids LiveWell Program and App get 5 out of 5 stars from me!! Kid Tested and Parent Approved!

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