Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mosaic Review: FamilyMint Money Management Program

Do you dread the "money" topic with your children? Are you not a good at budgeting so you wonder how are you able to teach your children? Well here comes FamilyMint to the rescue. FamilyMint is a Money Management Certification Program. The program is geared towards 5th grade and up(10yrs old and up), but can be used with those younger.

I decided to use this program with my oldest son, age 10, as the other 2(9 & 8 yrs old) I felt were not grasping this yet. My 10yr old has been asking me lately for money for everything that he "WANTS", which is a quite extensive list. My boys know that I am "frugal" and they are quickly learning "Frugalness" but I needed something that was age appropriate for Money Management and Budgeting. I truly believe a person can be "Frugal" but can be clueless about money management and it is extremely important to be knowledgeable in both. I was so excited when I was asked to use and review the FamilyMint Money Management Certification Program as I felt it might be a good start for Money Management lessons.

My 10yr old son and I got to using the Workbook right away when we received the Workbook. We both really enjoyed how easy the material is to understand and work through, yet it is very concise and thorough. My son really enjoyed practicing writing checks. I personally would have loved to see some information on using Debit Cards as that is the more commonly used form of Bank payment. Our favorite part of the program has been the SMART goals section. My son has been begging me to just give him money so he can buy some DSi games. I have to say since we began using the program he now understands why I just can't "hand over money" but that it is more important to set goals for purchases, especially wants and buy when the money is available. We both really enjoyed the section on using envelopes for money management. My husband and I already use this method and it is great to see my son want to start. We did set up the online account that came with our Workbook, but we haven't begun to use that part of the program yet. I do really like the online part of the program because of the visual aspect of really seeing where the money is going and changes that can be made to help manage money better. I also really like that there are kid friendly avatars for the kids. This allows for multiple kids to easily identify their accounts without a personal pic being put online. The selection of avatars is also really great! My son and I give the FamilyMint Money Management Certification Program 4.5 out of 5 stars!! A really good program that is very much needed in this "give me" society(including my own 10yr old son). The program really teaches better skills and has already found my own son backing off from the "gimme" thing!

Are you interested yet?? Well here is more info on the program and how you can purchase it for your family:

FamilyMint has an AWESOME introductory offer right now:

Special Introductory Bundle Offer!
Money Management Certification Program workbook +
a LIFETIME subscription to the FamilyMint Premium application (normally $25/yr by itself!)
All this for only $29.99
The Bundle Offer is an AMAZING deal and I would highly suggest the Bundle Offer. Here are more offers and Pricing Details:  FamilyMint Pricing Details

Great Program all around! We are looking forward to continuing learning about Money Management and putting the skills to use very soon!

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