Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gabby Moms Review: Creating Contentment Seminar

Do you ever wish you could attend a 1 day seminar/workshop or even a weekend retreat to be encouraged? Are time and budget just not on your side to make that happen? Well, I am so excited to tell you all about a GREAT "Seminar" I had the oppurtunity to attend. I attended the seminar in the comfort of my own home and on my own time and the topic was very encouraging. Lorrie Flem of Eternal Encouragement is creating these Online Seminars and the one for February was Creating Contentment.

Contentment is something that I struggle with at times and I was really blessed by this seminar. How many of you "wish" for circumstances in your life to be different or ever "wish" for "material things" to be Happy?? The Creating Contentment seminar one that you will want to "Attend". The Seminar is about an hour long recording and is very encouraging. Lorrie talks about how God in control no matter the circumstances and if we can be grateful for what God is doing for us and look at what we do have and not at what others have and what we WANT we can find Contentment in those circumstances. Contentment is a choice, might not be an easy choice, but a choice we can make. Lorrie taught me that Contentment can bring happiness. I was very encouraged by this seminar as I sometimes "Envy" others which leads to unhappiness and stress. I don't want to have those feelings, contentment brings me joy!

The Creating Contentment Seminar is available online and right now you can buy it for $3.00!! You will receive a link to a PDF which contains the link for the Hour long Seminar and also a slideshow of the 14 different ways on creating contentment. The GREAT thing is you will always have access to the Seminar and can watch and listen on your own time and listen/watch over and over again. You don't have to clear your schedule to "attend", just when you have some time! Make sure you check out the Eternal Encouragement Website and all the other GREAT encouraging products and post Lorrie has for you. Also, coming up on March 15th you will be able to purchase Lorrie's newest Seminar True Womanhood is not for Wimpy Women.

I am looking forward to applying 14 GREAT tips for Creating Contentment to my daily life and I THANK Lorrie for the encouraging seminar!

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this seminar as part of my participation in the Gabby Moms Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mosaic Review: Mama Jenn's Blog Planner

I began blogging in 2007 with the intent on just keeping family and friends updated on the "ongoings" of my family and our homeschool. I quickly found "blog memes" like Menu Plan Monday, Simple Woman's Daybook and Works for me Wednesday. My blog was now being filled with those blog memes and pics and updates about the fun family things we do and other stuff that just crossed my mind to blog about. I quickly became familiar with doing Product Reviews and signed up with a couple of companies. I had a very active blog on Xanga and liked the platform, but as I got more and more into blogging I wanted something more for my blog. I began looking around and switched over to Blogger in 2011. I knew had a "bigger plans" for my blog, but I wasn't sure how to go about those plans.

I began to get more familiar with doing Product Reviews and really needing to start keeping track of things on my blog. I started to use Springpad to set reminder due dates for the Product reviews I had coming up, but I still didn't know how to really "PLAN" for my blog and get ideas out that I wanted to do. I recently joined Mosaic Reviews as a Product Reviewer and our first review was an "ANSWER to Prayer". Our first product review was to pick on Blogger Planner from a list of about 10 different planners. Well DUH a Blogger Planner is EXACTLY what I needed to get myself where I wanted to be with blogging! I was super excited about this review project.

The first task at hand was selecting the one that I felt best suited me. I am a very detailed person and I like to have "lots of info" in front of me, so I finally selected Mama Jenn's Blogging Planner.

I am an organized person by nature and I also like things "neat and clean". I printed out the 50+ pages of the planner and printed a few extra of a couple of the pages. I gathered all my printed pages and headed over to Office Depot, which is only 4 blocks away. I had them coil bind it with a clear cover on the front and a colored cover on back. Total cost was about $2.50 and it turned out BEAUTIFULLY!! Don't FRET as you can also easily use a 3 hole puncher and put into a binder or even a 3 prong folder, as I am sure you probably have one or both around the house!

I choose Mama Jenn's Blogging Planner for the following reasons: 
  • I like details and the planner allows a lot of room for details
  • The layout and design are BEAUTIFUL! I really like Daisies and flowers and the planner is decorated nicely with different color Daisies for each month. 
  • The many different calendars and pages of it make it user friendly. 
The parts of the Planner include: 

A Year at a Glance Calendar (this is great in case I just want to be reminded of the current date)

Monthly Blog Stats page: This page is useful for keeping track of Visitors to the blog, how many followers and friends on Social Media outlets. The Blog Stats page helps you keep track of the growth of your blog from month to month.

Monthly Blog Calendar: This page is a Dated Monthly Calendar. The Calendar is in Portrait layout. Each dated box has little check boxes for tracking your sharing to social media. Once posted to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest check off the boxes. I post to all these platforms, so this feature really intrigued me. I really like the "Notes" section at the bottom of the calendar as I began using this to list the codes I am using in the calendar above.

Monthly Blog Planning: I love that this page is broken into 2 sections, one for Monthly Blog Post to Write and any "To Do" and "Goal" items for the blog itself. The "To Do" side is great because I always tell myself I "need to do _____" on the blog and I always forget a day later.

Giveaways/Review Page: WONDERFUL page which includes 3 boxes for being more detailed about upcoming Giveaways or Review items. I am able to list Product, Vendor, Price and Due Date and notes. I really LOVE this page being such a "Detailed" person like I am.

Blog Post Notes: A great page also! This page is for writing the Topic or Title of an upcoming blog post such as Blog Memes, general posting and items that come to mind. I really need this page as when I come up with an idea if I don't write it down completely, I forget and then don't blog about it.

Check out how I used mine: 

Are you intrigued by this Blog Planner??? Do you want to get one for yourself???  You can download the Planner for FREE!! Go to Mama Jenn's Blog Planner and download a copy for FREE!!

I am really happy with my Blog Planner and how useful it is to me! I am just scratching my head telling myself "WHY DIDN'T I THINK of THAT????" I challenged myself for 2yrs to come up with a way to better plan for my blog and I NEVER once thought that something like a Blog Planner existed! I am so glad it does!

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

LitFuse Blog Tour: Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate by Debora Coty

About the Book: 

 Are you ready to strip fear's power over you and become the confident woman you were meant to be? Have you found that tolerating your personal fear monsters only makes them growl louder? Okay, sister - take my hand and let's boldly step up and yank the masks off those shadow-lurking, anxiety-churning, worry-generating beasts. With her own brand of off-beat wit and wisdom, inspirational humorist Debora Coty addresses heart needs of women worn down by everyday fears - financial, health, relationships, loss, pain, the unknown, the what ifs ... With fresh spiritual insight, Debora shares hope, true life stories, scriptural lifelines, and a few LOL's along with simple, practical tips for sidestepping fear with faith. And a fistful of chocolate!

 About the Author: 

 Debora Coty is an occupational therapist, a piano teacher, and a freelance writer. She's also involved in the children's ministry at her church and is an avid tennis player. Debora began writing to fill the void when her last child left for college, and it has since become a passion. Debora has a real knack for getting across sound biblical concepts with a refreshing lightheartedness as attested in her monthly newspaper column entitled "Grace Notes: God's Grace for Everyday Living."


My Thoughts and Review:

 Are you are Worry-Wart or have those occassional worries about life issues?? Does your worry cause FEAR? I have just the book for you!! I am a Worry-Wart and I sometimes spend restless nights in FEAR of what is coming in the days ahead. I was thrilled when I read the description of this book as I felt it could possibly help me deal with the Fear and Worries.

 Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate is laid out in a VERY easy to read format. The book consists of 4 sections of different Fears:
  • Internal Fears
  • External Fears
  • The War is On 
  • Faceless Fears

Each chapter is filled with funny and witty stories,personal insight, and Biblical truths on Worry and Fear. Each chapter ends with a Questions to ask yourself section called "More Pluck, Less Chicken", GREAT title! Debora addresses so many areas of FEAR and Worry in the small, purse sized book. Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate is a book that not only encourages but gives the reader tools to overcoming the Fears that lead to Worry.

 I was really encouraged by the book and think it would make a GREAT Women's group study! I read through the book rather quickly so I am going to go back and take it chapter by chapter so that I can use it as a personal quite time study. I HIGHLY recommend this book for all women, even if you don't have Fear and Worry!

 I give this book 5 out of 5 stars! See what others are saying about the book HERE!

Celebrate the release of Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate with Debora Coty by entering her Kindle Fire Giveaway and RSVPing to the March 7th Author Chat Party on Facebook!

One "sweet" winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A Debora Coty Library (Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate, More Beauty, Less Beast, Too Blessed To Be Stressed, and Everyday Hope)
  • Chocolate (Every good thing begins with chocolate!)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/6/13. Winner will be announced at Debora's "Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate" Facebook Party on 3/7. Debora will be hosting an evening of chat, fun trivia, laughter, and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, and a book club prize pack! (Ten copies of the book for your small group or book club and a live chat with Debora via Skype.)

So grab your copy of Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate and join Debora and friends on the evening of March 7th for an evening of fun. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 7th!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book as part of my participation in the LitFuse Blog Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 2/18

WOW, what a great week we had last week with sticking to our plan and not changing up at the last minute. I have noticed when life plans change so does our menu plan. I purposefully made sure if we had a change of plans last week that we still stuck to our menu plan. Our budget appreciates that "purposefulness"! A new "Trick" I have been doing in the last couple of weeks that is also helping our "budget" is that we have leftovers the next day after making something. If there are still more leftovers from that dish I have been packaging them up to be put in the freezer for use at a later time. We now have about 4 lunch sized meals from the past 2 weeks of doing this. I know this will certainly help the budget in the long run. We can "Raid the freezer" for last minute dinners or change in plans instead of running to fast food!

 I got a little busy last week so I didn't get around to tweaking our snacks and some of our meals. I have some ideas that I found on Pinterest and Stumbleupon that I am going to be implenting!

 Here is our menu for this week:

For more Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

  Organizing Junkie                StoneGable

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 2/11

I am so glad I am back to doing Menu Plans for our family once again. The food budget and my insanity are so much more in order. I cleaned out our chest freezer today and have a good inventory of what I have and what I need. I look forward to doing a good stock up soon, when we get our tax refund.

I am going to be tweaking our snacks and some of our meals during this next week and I look forward to trying new things in the coming month or so!

Here is our menu for this week:

For more Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

Organizing Junkie           StoneGable

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

"No More PERFECT Moms" Launch week: Review and a Deal for buying the book

Do you ever feel like "I wish I was more like "Mary Sue" as she really is a PERFECT mom and can do it all"? How often do you compare yourself to make sure you are living up to "societys rules" for being a 21st Century Mom? Worse yet have you ever been told that you are not a good mom by a family, friend or someone else because you don't parent "according to the rules"? I have been in all 3 of these situations and each one is very discouraging to be in.

 I have been privigled to be a part of a group of "Moms" who have been encouraged by a wonderful book called "No More Perfect Moms" by Jill Savage. I received a downloadable advance copy of the book and was able to partcipate in a group discussion with other moms on the Launch Team. I must say I was VERY VERY encouraged by the other moms, but I was more so encouraged the book. I have NEVER been soo encouraged when reading a book as I was with "No More Perfect Moms".

 The encouragement came in the form of Validation! Validation you say??? YES! I used to strive to "be perfect" in the sight of others(mainly family) in fear of that if I wasn't doing things the way they expected me to that I would be "outcast". A couple years ago I let go of that fear and started doing things according to how I felt lead by God. I felt such a relief when I began not worrying about being "PERFECT" in the eyes of others. The way I do things for myself, my husband, my boys, my household, is soo diffrent then the way others do in their households. I was soo encouraged as I kept reading through "No More Perfect Moms" because Jill writes so much about what I have been trying to do over the couple of years. I really enjoyed the part of being a "YES Mom". How often do you want to tell your kids NO they can't do something in fear of a mess being made, others thinking "Wow she let her kids do that" or just because you didn't feel like it? I give my boys FREEDOM, as much as possible within safety reasons, and I allow them to enjoy themselves. I also stopped trying so hard to have the "PERFECT" house. I realized with being the only female in our home, there won't be a "PERFECT" home for a good long while. If someone wants to complain that my house doesn't meet their standards, let them clean! I don't mind the mess as then it is proof that we are enjoying our home!

I THANK Jill Savage for writing such a wonderful book and for giving me the hope and encouragement that I am "on track" with not being the PERFECT Mom!

 Are you ready to learn how to be that "No more PERFECT Mom"?? Are you ready to be encouraged just like I was?? You have 2 days left to get in on a really good deal if you buy the book this week!

  Everyone loves a good investment…especially one that comes with a big bonus!

This is one of those investments that you don’t want to miss!


Purchase Jill Savage’s new book No More Perfect Moms anytime between February 3-9 (online or at a store…and yes, electronic versions such as Kindle and Nook count too!) Send a copy of your receipt to Scan it, take a picture of it - just be sure to send it to the email! You'll be given access to well over $100 worth of resources that will help you on your mothering journey - absolutely free! What will you receive?

  6 Sixty Minute Audio Workshops (MP3 format) from Hearts at Home
  • Desperate for Wisdom - Dr. Juli Slattery
  • How to Fight for Your Marriage - Dr. Juli Slattery
  • It is Well with Your Soul - Jennifer Rothschild
  • Multiple Intelligences - Dr. Kathy Koch
  • Ten Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs - Jill Savage
  • The God Who Sees You- Tammy Maltby
4 Printables from Hearts at Home
  • 10 Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs
  • “Love Is”--I Corinthians 13 for Parents
  • Mom Rules
  • How to Fight Fair In Marriage
3 Free E-book’s (including PDF, Kindle, iPad, and Nook editions!) from Moody Publishers
1 Contest Entry You will be entered in a drawing to win hotel accommodations and two Hearts at Home Mom Conference registrations for you and a friend at a conference of your choice! (If unable to attend a conference, a Hearts at Home Conference To-Go will be substituted for the winner and a friend.)

 This offer is available for this week only (Feb 3-9)! Grab a copy of No More Perfect Moms, scan your receipt, email it, and start enjoying your new book PLUS all of the extra bonuses you’ll receive! It’s “mom university” delivered right to your computer!

Disclaimer: I was given an autographed copy of the book and a downloadable ebook copy as part of my participation in the "No more PERFECT Moms" Launch Team. I was only required to write an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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Monday, February 4, 2013

LitFuse Blog Tour: Secretly Smitten

About Secretly Smitten:

 Summer, fall, winter, spring-Smitten, Vermont, is the place for love . . . and mystery!

 There's a secret in Grandma Rose's attic-a forgotten set of dog tags belonging to her first love. But David Hutchins was killed in action and never returned to Smitten. How did the dog tags end up in the attic?

 The mystery intrigues Rose's three granddaughters-Tess, Clare, and Zoe-and they decide to investigate, though their mother, Anna, warns against meddling. But as the seasons turn and the mystery unravels, the three young women and their mother encounter some intriguing mystery men of their own. Has a sixty-year-old puzzle sparked something new for this close-knit family of women?

 Join popular romance novelists-and real-life BFFs-Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, and Denise Hunter for four delightful intertwined tales of mystery and sweet intrigue.

 Link to buy the book:

 Meet "The Gals": 

 RITA-finalist Colleen Coble is the author of several best-selling romantic suspense novels, including "Tidewater Inn", and the Mercy Falls, Lonestar, and Rock Harbor series. * Christy Award finalist and two-time winner of the ACFW Book of the Year award, Kristin Billerbeck has appeared on The Today Show and has been featured in the New York Times. Her books include "A Billion Reasons Why" and "What a Girl Wants." * Denise Hunter is the award-winning and best-selling author of several novels, including "A Cowboy's Touch" and "Sweetwater Gap." She and her husband are raising three boys in Indiana. * Diann Hunt has lived in Indiana forever, been happily married forever, loves her family, chocolate, her friends, her dog, and, well, chocolate.

 Find out more about Coble, Billerbeck, Hunter, Hunt here:

 My Thoughts and Review:

 WOW, 4 books in one that is the first thing I LOVE about this book. 4 Short Stories by 4 different authors and each short story is packed full of romance and mystery!

 I am a fan of all 4 authors: Colleen Coble, Diann Hunt, Denise Hunter and Kristin Billerback and they each add their own twist to this book! Each of the authors stories have a connection in some manner, but each story also has a different focus. I really LOVE how God's LOVE and mercy is shown in the main characters of each story and how each of the characters grow through the Romance and Mystery that are involved in each story.

 I really enjoyed all 4 short stories and found it hard to the put the book down. Secretly Smitten is the sequel to "Smitten" also written by all 4 authors and it is beneficial to read the first book, although it is not necessary. I give this book 4.5 stars!

Find out what other Reviewers think about the book: 

 A Facebook Chat Party:

The "gals" are celebrating the release of Secretly Smitten with a fun Live Webcast on February 5th. They'll be debuting the *NEW* animated Smitten trailer, giving away tons of prizes, dishing on the book and their friendship. They'll also be wrapping up the Secretly Smitten blog tour, answering audience questions and testing your trivia skills. Don't miss the fun and bring your friends. Click here to RSVP and set up a reminder

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book as part of my participation in the LitFuse Blog Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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