Tuesday, July 17, 2012

MOMumental by Jennifer Grant (Book Review and Giveaway)

Do you ever feel that you "HAVE" to be the Perfect Mom? Do you ever find yourself "trying to keep up with Joneses" in fear of being judged? Well, MOMumental- Adventures in the Messy Art of Raising a Family" by Jennifer Grant is a must read book for you!

I recently had the oppurtunity to read this book and I throughly enjoyed the book! The book is comprised of "real life" parenting situations from Mrs. Grant's family life and her experiences as a MOM. Jennifer tells of how growing up she dreamed of being a wife and mother and had the idea of a "perfect family and MOM". Jennifer soon realizes that God's plan for us is the better plan of trying to be the "PERFECT MOM". Jennifer's writing is humorous, encouraging and wonderful.

I know I struggle with "Doing things right" so that I am not judged by others, but I also know that I have not allow "standards" to rule me and my parenting style. I really enjoyed MOMumental, as it is a book that doesn't leave you feeling like you are doing everything wrong. I was actually able to relate to many of the stories and it left me encouraged and realizing that many families are just like my family, we all have our "moments" and though those times can try to create havoc, if we just sit back and relax it will all be fine. Even through all our "failures" parenthood also brings about many joys. The most important thing I took from reading MOMumental was that saying YES to our kids when we really want to say NO can actually build the family up and the family can enjoy fun times together! I give this book 5 out of 5 Stars!!

About the Author

Jennifer Grant is mother to four children and author of Love You More: The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter (2011). For more than a decade she wrote for papers in the Sun-Times newsgroup. Currently she freelances for the Chicago Tribune and is a regular contributor to hermeneutics, Christianity Today magazine's blog for women. Grant is a Wheaton College graduate who received her master's in English and Creative Writing from Southern Methodist University. She lives outside of Chicago, IL.

You can read the first Chapter and see a glimpse of the great humor and candidness in the book: Chapter 1

MOMumental is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold.

The publishing company, Worthy Publishing, has provided me with a copy of MOMumental to giveaway to one lucky blog reader. Here is your chance to enter a copy:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book FREE of charge from Worthy Publishing via HandleBar Marketing. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Kregel Publications Blog Tour: Legacy Road by Graham Garrison

Publishers Description of the Book:

Wes Watkins’s journalism career took off  when he was asked to eulogize Michael Gavin, a stranger to Wes but a hometown hero to the humble folks of Talking Creek, Georgia. While researching Gavin’s life, Wes was confronted with an estranged relationship of his own that he wasn’t prepared to address, having ignored for years the occasional letters from his imprisoned father. Wes has chosen to focus instead on his growing career and his budding relationship with Emmy. His life is looking up . . . until his marriage proposal to Emmy goes south.

Left to wonder if he can reconcile with Emmy before she is deployed to Afghanistan, Wes can no longer avoid the other reconciliation that troubles him. But when Wes uncovers a painful truth about his parents’ past, patching things up with his father may prove impossible. Wes’s life is close to spiraling out of control. Will Wes learn to forgive? Or will the best year of his life turn into the worst?

Set against the haunting backdrop of several Civil War battlefields, Legacy Road is a grace-full exploration of hidden secrets—and what happens when they are revealed. Th rough the ups and downs of human relationships, of family ties lost and found, southern fi ction fans will ponder the age-old question: How do you forgive others—and release yourself—from a past that threatens to destroy you?

About the Author:

Graham Garrison is the author of Hero’s Tribute and has published articles in six newspapers and eight magazines, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, America’s Civil War, Georgia Physician, and Boating World.

Buy the Book: Legacy Road by Graham Garrison

My Thoughts and Review: 
Legacy of Road is the sequel to a Hero's Tribute. I did not read the first book, but I was able to enjoy this book alot! I really enjoyed the main characters and their interactions. Graham Garrison really bought up a good theme in this book and that is the forgiveness and also the bond between father and son. I was reading this book and it really "hit home" for me as my husband had a "rocky relationship" with his Dad and it wasn't until 5 months before my husband's dad passed away that there was forgivness and a small step in repairing a broken relationship. I am glad, that just like the book, my husband had the oppurtunity to forgive his dad! I think this book is a great book for all, but is especially good for men and boys to read. The Father/Son bond is one that I really think is missing in today's world and I think this book does a great job on stressing the importance of that bond. 

I must admit it did take me some time to really engulf this book, but once I got past the first couple of chapters, there was no stopping me!! I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book FREE of charge for my participation in the Kregel Publications Blog Tour Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own. 

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