Monday, March 5, 2012

LitFuse Group Blog Tour: The Beautiful Wife by Sandy Ralya

About the Book: 

 The Beautiful Wife uses these inspiring stories along with biblical principles to guide and encourage any wife looking for God's best in her marriage. The Beautiful Wife answers serious questions women have about their roles as wives. Discussing everything from romance and money to beauty, communication, and sex, Sandy challenges women to open up and share their journeys so that together they can see God's plan for their marriages. "It is my passion to help women discover God's heart for their marriage, just as the other women helped me," writes Sandy. "When women share with each other the details of their journeys with God as wives, it's a beautiful thing indeed." The Beautiful Wife has two companion resources - Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide.

 About Sandy Ralya: 

Sandy Ralya is the founder and director of Beautiful Womanhood, a marriage mentoring ministry based near Grand Rapids, Mich. Her marriage testimony was the focus of a popular three-day interview on FamilyLife Today, TV's Walking by Faith, and Time Out for Women. Sandy is a sought-after speaker, presenting Beautiful Womanhood seminars to hundreds of women each year at MOPS groups, women's retreats, and church leadership conferences across the country and in Canada. Sandy and her husband Tom have been married since 1980, and have a growing number of grandchildren.

Learn more about Sandy Ralya: 
Sandy's Testimony

About Beautiful Womanhood Ministry

Buy the Book: The Beautiful Wife by Sandy Ralya

My Thoughts and Review: 

 The Beautiful Wife is not a book about outer appearence, but a book on making changes from within to be that "Beautiful Wife" that God wants you to be for your husband and your family. Many marriages have "issues" and spouses can easily blame the other for the "downfalls", but in order to make positive changes we need to make changes within ourselves first, all while seeking God's guidance. "The Beautiful Wife" was born after Sandy Ralya sought the advice and counsel of Mentors and Counselors to help her struggling marriage. God worked in a miracle in her life and marriage just when Sandy believed her marriage was beyond repair.

 I really, really enjoyed this book! It has been quite the "eye opener" to me. I have such a stubborn streak that many times I need something to "hit me on the head like a boulder". I can honestly say that Sandy did that in a Gentle Way. The book is filled with Biblical Advice and Scripture. Each chapter ends with Reflection Questions section and First Steps section, how to apply the chapter to your life. Sandy really covers lots of topics in this book including Communication, Sex, Money, Taking care of yourself, and many more! I also really enjoyed the Companion Books: Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide. The Beautiful Wife is great for Group Study or as an Individual Study. I give high recommendations for a Beautiful Wife!

A Kindle Touch Giveaway and Facebook Party hosted by the Author:

Celebrate with Sandy by entering her Kindle Touch Giveaway and coming to her "Beautiful Womanhood" Facebook Party {3/8}!

One beautiful winner will receive:
  • A Brand new Kindle Touch with Wi-Fi
  • The Beautiful Wife By Sandy Ralya
  • The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/7/12. Winner will be announced at Sandy's "Beautiful Womanhood" Facebook Party on 3/8. Sandy will be hosting an evening of chat, laughter and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, prayer journals and a live chat with Sandy for your Bible study or small group!

So grab your copy of The Beautiful Wife and join Sandy and friends on the evening of March 8th for an evening of fun.
Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on March 8th!

Disclosure: I received a copy of The Beautiful Wife as part of my participation in the LitFuse Blogger Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and my opinions are my own.

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