I know in the "age of the internet", Encyclopedias aren't as widely used as they used to be. I remember going to the library after school on many occassions to do research for homework assignments and the Encyclopedia was the best resource. Well, Encyclopedias haven't gotten away, they are even available online. Encyclopedias are still updated yearly and still sold in Print form, but they are also available online from the comfort of your own home.
I discovered a couple months ago that many libraries around the country subscribe to the online versions and then make them available to Library Patrons via their Library Card. I have access to quite a few online Encyclopedias and Educational Resources by using my Library Card right from the comfort of my own home.
I use my Library Card from the Berwyn Public Library and I have access to: Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids and Kid Info Bits, amongst others.
I also have a Chicago Public Library Card because Chicago Public Library is part of the Recriporacal Borrowing Libraries in connection with my library system. I use my Chicago Public Library Card and gain access to World Book Encyclopedia and World Book for Kids, amongst other online research databases.
I have noticed some other great online research databases that are available to Library Patrons, although not all resources are available at all libraries. A to Z Maps Online and Mango Languages are 2 great resources that some local libraries have subscribed to and I wish my local branch would subscribe to. The World Book for Kids site has a special section for Science Projects.
I personally like using Encyclopedias for research and homeschooling. I know the internet has a "Wealth" of information, but IMO Encyclopedias are a wonderful resource.
Check the website of your local library for Databases or Research Databases or ask your local librarian if they subscribe to any Research Databases. The resources available via your local library online are a wonderful tool that is not widely known, but is great for helping kids with their school work.
Library Research Databases with FREE access from your home using your library card, Works for Me. For more great hints and tips visit Kristen at We are That Family.

Yes! Yes! The library is a great source for a number of resources, not just books! My library also has on-line homework help, car repair info and consumer reports! Genius.
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