About the Book:
All she wanted was a simple Amish life . . . But now Marianna Sommer finds herself depending on Englisch neighbors. Although proud of living apart from the world, she and her newly relocated Amish family have discovered that life in the remote mountains of Montana requires working together.
As Marianna begins helping those different from herself—and receiving their help—her heart contemplates two directions. She’s torn between the Amish man from Indiana whom she has long planned on marrying and the friendly Englischer who models a closer walk with God than she’s ever seen before.
Who should have young Marianna’s heart? What is God asking her to sacrifice? Her traditions? Her community? The answer is found along the wooded paths.
Find out about book 1, Beside Still Waters, here: Beside Still Waters
Read an excerpt: Along Wooden Paths
About Tricia:
Tricia Goyer is the author of thirty books includingSongbird Under a German Moon, The Swiss Courier, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like MomSense and Thriving Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife.
For more about Tricia and her other books visit: www.triciagoyer.com
My Thoughts and Review:
I was very excited when I was chosen to read and review Along Wooded Paths. I have never read the first book in the series, Beside Still Waters, but I enjoy Amish books. I have read other books by Tricia, but never her Amish series, so I was very excited to be chosen for this blog tour.
I very much enjoyed this book. I have read many Amish Fiction books, but this was not your typical "Amish Book". I was very happy how the Amish and Englisch were friendly with each other, even to the point where Marianna struggles with her love for a boyfriend she left behind in Indiana and an Englischer whom she meets in Montana. The 2 communities, Amish and Englisch, mix and mingle well in Along Wooded Paths and that is one of the main parts of this book that kept me captivated and reading for hours! I highly recommend this book and I fully intend on picking up Beside Still Waters and reading that book as well.
Buy the Book: You can go here to get a copy of Along Wooded Paths
About the Facebook Party:
Come to a Facebook Party and Live Author Chat! The Party brings to a close the Blog Tour for the book.
Tricia is celebrating the release of Along Wooded Paths with a Fabulous Facebook party on October 18th. She'll be giving away prizes and a sneak peak at the next book in the Big Sky series.
Then during the second half of the party she'll be hosting a LIVE AUTHOR CHAT on her website and announcing something BIG! CLICK the button (below) to RSVP for the party - then go here to sign up for the Live Author Chat.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book as part of my participation in the LitFuse Blog Tour Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other form of compensation and my opinions are my own.

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