For married women who feel like single parents.
Bookstore shelves are full of parenting resources for moms who are newly divorced or widowed. But where do moms turn if they feel like a single parent--but they’re not? Whether he is away on business, deployed in the military, or obsessing over a computer game, dad may not be available for a variety of reasons. Moms who parent in this situation still need help and don’t necessarily relate to the advice given in divorce recovery or single parenting resources.
Married Mom, Solo Parent is a common-sense, down-to-earth look at the struggles wives and mothers face when their husband is not actively involved in family life. Writing from her own experience as a married single mom, Carla Anne Coroy will help wives and mothers sort through their questions, such as: Can I do this alone? How do I raise kids to honor their father? How do I give my children a healthy perspective of marriage if they never see one in action? With practical suggestions, anecdotes, and biblical teaching, this book will encourage moms to see their position as a high calling, to find healing for their worries and frustrations, and to tap into God’s strength for help in facing the daily challenge of being a married mom, solo parent.
About Carla:
Carla Anne Coroy runs the Married Single Mom blog at She speaks regularly and serves as a staff writer for an online Christian women’s magazine Mentoring Moments for Christian Women. Carla Anne lives in Canada with her husband and four homeschooled children. For more information, visit Carla Anne website.
My Thoughts and Review:
I really enjoyed this book! Carla Anne is a brand new author and she really "hit a home run" with this book. I have never seen a book based on this topic and this book really opened my eyes to what some Moms have to struggle with to keep their family "going". I was really amazed at how many different reasons a dad can be an "absentee husband". I think the most common ones many think about are a husband who travels a lot or one works long hours. I really like the practical,biblical and wise advice that Carla Anne gives to the Moms struggling with the fact that their husband is "there but not" or away for long periods of time. I know I get frustrated sometimes when I become a "sports widow", but that is only for a day a couple times a week. I am blessed that my husband is "active participant" in our family and helps out. The moms who "solo parent" on a daily basis for weeks or months at a time=STRESS. I really enjoyed reading the Letters and Stories from "real moms" dealing with being a "Solo Parent" and how Carla Anne answered the letters with sound advice and wisdom.
The book shows the moms how to rely on God more for the strength they need to make it through the "Solo Parent" times and also gives them pratical advice for dealing with "daily life situations". Some of the hints include making sure the kids are helping when possible, training the children and setting boundaries, and most importantly making sure "Dad" in on board with the rules. It is important that Dad is in agreement and helps maintain the rules, boundaries and chores when he is home. A "team divided" is not good for the kids to see and will cause issues for the family. The author suggests doing a major declutter and getting the house in order will help maintain things and make things run smoother. The book has many many suggestions and practical advice for dealing with an "absentee husband". A really great part of the book is where the author talks about honoring the husband even through our own anger and frustration.
EXCELLENT book! I highly recommend it for Moms who struggle with an "absentee husband". Carla Anne has an AWESOME website with lots of FREE resources that will help the Mom in many ways! Visit the website at Carla Anne You can purchase the book at: Book Purchase
About the Facebook Party:
Come to an encouraging MomChat party on Facebook…you could win a KindleTouch!
To celebrate the release of her new book Carla has partnered with her publisher, Kregel, to host a live MomChat party on Facebook!
The party will wrap up the Blog Tour and Carla will be hosting an encouraging MomChat about all things mom and wife related. There will also be a fun contest and she’s giving away a KindleTouch and a ton of other fun stuff (books, gift certificates and more!).
So RSVP today and then come back on 10/25 at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern for the party.
Don't miss the fun ... and tell your friends.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of the book as part of my participation in the LitFuse Publicity Blog Tour Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other form of compensation and my opinions are my own.

Thanks so much for reading my book! I'm glad to see you enjoyed it, especially those interviews to 'meet' other moms. Even I really love those parts! My prayer is that you and your readers will be blessed this week!
Carla Anne
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