About the Book:
A one month devotional Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit offering busy moms hope and a practical way to feed their souls in those short snatches of quiet time during their busy days. Comes with a free companion workbook down-loadable on the author’s website.
About the Author:
Katie and her husband Tap have been missionaries in Mexico since 2007. They homeschool their four children and minister through church planting, Bible training, bookstore ministry, and homeschool curriculum development.
Katie is a teacher at heart, and by trade, and loves to encourage women in their God-given roles through speaking, writing and blogging. She is the author of this and two other ebooks (at the date of this printing) as well as the Lemonhass homeschool curricu-lum for Spanish Speaking families.
Katie blogs about marriage, motherhood, and ministry at ParadisePraises.com and she blogs about home education (in Spanish) at EducandoEnElHogar.com.
My Thoughts and Review:
I so needed this Book and it truly inspired and uplifted me. My life is BUSY and has been for quite some time and my Devotional time is something that would take a "back burner" at times. I really enjoyed being able to go through the Devotional and it really "hit me", the BEST part is that it only took 10 minutes a day. I found that by taking 10 minutes at the end of the night, while "Winding down" to read through the devotional for the day, it helped me focus on getting in the word and helped my "wind down". I have done a "Fruit of the Spirit" study with my boys before, but doing one for a month that was my level, gave me a clear understanding of the study. Katie Hornor does a wonderful job at encouraging the Busy Mom that even through the Busyness of life, there is always time for God!
Putting on the Spirit is a MUST HAVE book for all Moms, whether in the Busy time of life or calmness of life.
English Version
Spanish Version
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Where to Find Paradise Praises on the Web:
Putting on the Spirit Landing Page
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Wow! Looks fabulous! Thank you for sharing. :D
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