(A Mosaic Reviews Product Review)
"Patience is a Virtue" is one of my favorite sayings to my boys, especially my middle son. YES Patience is a Virtue, but it is not the only virtue. I believe Character Training and instilling Virtues in children is very important. I have tried a few programs to help me with this, but we get side tracked or the programs are not a good fit for our family. Well I think we finally found a program that is a GREAT fit. I am a member of the Mosaic Reviews team and I had the chance to use and review We Choose Virtues and it has been awesome!
We Choose Virtues is an easy to use and "Colorful" program created by Heather McMillian 3 years ago. Heather saw that many children lack character traits and skills, so she created the program. Many of her teacher friends noted to her that their students lack of good character obstructed the students ability to learn. Heather's program has 12 Virtues with easy to remember phrases about that Virtue. The program also includes tools and resources to guide Children, Parents and Teachers in using the program easily and effectively.
I was extremely excited about being able to use and review this product as I have been "eyeing" it for about a year. I received several products for my participation in this review. The products included:
Virtue Flash Cards (NIV Version), $14.99
Teachers Handbook(PDF Download), $5.00
The Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book(PDF Download), $3.00
Family Character Assessment(FREE Download) and a
sample Parenting Card.
I received the NIV version, there is also a KJV and a Secular Version.
My boys and I first worked through the Family Character Assessment and discovered which Virtue each of them needed most. The 3 virtues needed most were: I am Gentle for my oldest, I am Patient for my middle son, and I am Forgiving for my youngest.I had each of my boys work through their individual Virtues for the first 2 weeks. Normally it would only be 1 week at a time, but I felt my boys needed 2 weeks with their "most needed" Virtues. All of my boys did wonderfully, although they are still working on those Virtues, they are all doing much better in those areas. The 3rd week we "Choose" to work with "I am Helpful". I choose this one as my boys all tended to lack in this area, but have much improved since working on this Virtue. We have continued to work through the Virtue Flash Cards and my boys are very much enjoying them and I am seeing improvements in them.
Virtue Flash Cards for Families
- The Virtue Flash Cards are Colorful and designed with high quality material.
- The ease of use of the cards. My middle son, who is a struggling learner, even comprehended the cards and "got it". The catchphrases and other wording on the cards is so easy to understand.
- The Bible Verses(included on ours because we got the NIV version) were helpful to my boys and myself to understanding the Virtue and what the bible says about it.
- The Teacher Handbook was an excellent tool for myself and gave me some great resources to assist me in teaching the boys about the Virtues.
The only downside for this program for some families might be the cost. We Choose Virtues has a variety of Kits available, but if cost is an issue you can buy materials indivdually also. Heather noted in a conference call that I was able to listen to that the 3 most important components of the program are: Virtue Flash Cards, Virtue Clues and Poster.
Heather is also offering a couple of discount codes to save money on purchasing her products. You can use Code= HOME20 to receive a 20% discount through the month of April on the Homeschool Kit. The Homeschool Kit is priced at $98.99, so with using the discount it becomes really affordable for most!
Homeschool Kit
Also Code= Virtue15 that gives you 15% off any purchase you make and this code never expires.
Places to find We Choose Virtues on the web:
My family and I give this program 4.5 stars out of 5 stars! We really love the program and I hope if you purchase any parts or kits you will enjoy it as much as our family does!
Check out what other Mosaic Review Team Members are saying about We Choose Virtues HERE.
(Please forgive the lack the personal photos. My 2 youngest sons somehow deleted the photos I took of the boys using this product when they borrowed my camera for making videos.)

Great review,and I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose kids delete pictures from time to time:-) Love your 4.5 out of 5 stars as well!
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