Do you ever get overwhelmed with getting dinner or other meals prepared in a timely manner?? Is Menu Planning not something that you feel you can accomplish or have time for?? Have you ever tried Bulk Cooking??
I personally do both Menu Planning and Bulk Cooking. Bulk Cooking is similar to "Freezer Cooking" or "Once a Month Cooking". Have you ever wanted to try Bulk Cooking, but don't know where or how to start? Well, I have a great ebook for you: Bulk Cooking Tips 'n Tricks Ebook by Lorrie Flem.
Lorrie Flem discusses the different methods of Bulk Cooking in this great Ebook(in PDF format). Some of the different Methods include:
- Cooking many main meals in one day
- Making and freezing one or two types of meals
- Doubling recipes and freezing some for later
- Supper Swaps (making multiples of the same recipe and having friends do different recipes and same amount.
- Cooking and Freezing Meat and other food in bulk
Lorrie also shows the "How To's" of Freezing and has some suggestions for some of the best products to use. You will also find a great list of Sanity-Saving Tips and Tips for Bulk Eating(proper way to defrost and eat the frozen meals)
You are probably asking what are the benefits of Bulk Cooking. Lorrie goes over those also:
- Saving Time
- Saving Money
- Saving Sanity
- Saving Time for Ministry
- Health
- Variety
- Happier Family
I have to agree with Lorrie on all her great info in this ebook! I do bulk cooking by choosing a couple of items each weekend and focusing on those. I LOVE the time saving factor of having meals or other foods ready for the family. I actually received a FoodSaver for Christmas 2011 from my parents and a couple months later purchased a 7cu Ft. Chest Freezer. I have been able to do much more Bulk Cooking since receiving those! Here are a couple of foods that I usually "bulk cook and freeze":
Waffles and French Toast
Homemade Chicken Nuggets
Have I peaked your interest for this ebook?? I have only given a small sampling of what is in the book. You can get your copy here for $5.97. You will want to get it as you won't be disappointed!I would also like to highly suggest that you check out the Eternal Encouragement website and all the GREAT posts that Lorrie has. Eternal Encouragement has a Bi-Monthly FREE digital Magazine that has great articles and info.

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