Do you ever feel like "I wish I was more like "Mary Sue" as she really is a PERFECT mom and can do it all"? How often do you compare yourself to make sure you are living up to "societys rules" for being a 21st Century Mom? Worse yet have you ever been told that you are not a good mom by a family, friend or someone else because you don't parent "according to the rules"? I have been in all 3 of these situations and each one is very discouraging to be in.
I have been privigled to be a part of a group of "Moms" who have been encouraged by a wonderful book called "No More Perfect Moms" by Jill Savage. I received a downloadable advance copy of the book and was able to partcipate in a group discussion with other moms on the Launch Team. I must say I was VERY VERY encouraged by the other moms, but I was more so encouraged the book. I have NEVER been soo encouraged when reading a book as I was with "No More Perfect Moms".
The encouragement came in the form of Validation! Validation you say??? YES! I used to strive to "be perfect" in the sight of others(mainly family) in fear of that if I wasn't doing things the way they expected me to that I would be "outcast". A couple years ago I let go of that fear and started doing things according to how I felt lead by God. I felt such a relief when I began not worrying about being "PERFECT" in the eyes of others. The way I do things for myself, my husband, my boys, my household, is soo diffrent then the way others do in their households. I was soo encouraged as I kept reading through "No More Perfect Moms" because Jill writes so much about what I have been trying to do over the couple of years. I really enjoyed the part of being a "YES Mom". How often do you want to tell your kids NO they can't do something in fear of a mess being made, others thinking "Wow she let her kids do that" or just because you didn't feel like it? I give my boys FREEDOM, as much as possible within safety reasons, and I allow them to enjoy themselves. I also stopped trying so hard to have the "PERFECT" house. I realized with being the only female in our home, there won't be a "PERFECT" home for a good long while. If someone wants to complain that my house doesn't meet their standards, let them clean! I don't mind the mess as then it is proof that we are enjoying our home!
I THANK Jill Savage for writing such a wonderful book and for giving me the hope and encouragement that I am "on track" with not being the PERFECT Mom!
Are you ready to learn how to be that "No more PERFECT Mom"?? Are you ready to be encouraged just like I was?? You have 2 days left to get in on a really good deal if you buy the book this week!
Everyone loves a good investment…especially one that comes with a big bonus!
This is one of those investments that you don’t want to miss!
Purchase Jill Savage’s new book No More Perfect Moms anytime between February 3-9 (online or at a store…and yes, electronic versions such as Kindle and Nook count too!) Send a copy of your receipt to Scan it, take a picture of it - just be sure to send it to the email! You'll be given access to well over $100 worth of resources that will help you on your mothering journey - absolutely free! What will you receive?
6 Sixty Minute Audio Workshops (MP3 format) from Hearts at Home
- Desperate for Wisdom - Dr. Juli Slattery
- How to Fight for Your Marriage - Dr. Juli Slattery
- It is Well with Your Soul - Jennifer Rothschild
- Multiple Intelligences - Dr. Kathy Koch
- Ten Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs - Jill Savage
- The God Who Sees You- Tammy Maltby
- 10 Stress Strategies Every Mom Needs
- “Love Is”--I Corinthians 13 for Parents
- Mom Rules
- How to Fight Fair In Marriage
- Live Free by Kendra Smiley
- Growing Grateful Kids by Susie Larsen
- Real Moms Real Jesus by Jill Savage
This offer is available for this week only (Feb 3-9)! Grab a copy of No More Perfect Moms, scan your receipt, email it, and start enjoying your new book PLUS all of the extra bonuses you’ll receive! It’s “mom university” delivered right to your computer!
Disclaimer: I was given an autographed copy of the book and a downloadable ebook copy as part of my participation in the "No more PERFECT Moms" Launch Team. I was only required to write an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own.

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