Happy New Year to everyone!! I pray that 2012 is a very blessed year and that everyone stays healthy!!
I am not making "resolutions or commitments" this year, instead I am setting goals! I feel that goals are something that help you attain things one step at a time and aren't as "saying a promise I have to keep" type of thing. I think goal setting gives me a bit more leeway to take me time to attain the goals! I do know that the goals I have set for myself have to include God as I move along. I can make all the grandest plans and goals, but without God along side me, I will probably falter and fail. A online friend shared a wonderful blog post about New Years Resolutions. Truly beautiful article and post!
I very much "failed" at accomplishing the goals that I had set for 2011 because I allowed "Life" and "stubbornness" to get in the way, rathering then allowing God to be in control and allow him to guide and direct me. I am choosing not to do that this year. I have lots to accomplish this year and want and need God to be there as my guide through all my goals!
I pray that everyone has a wonderful year in 2012! We can't do anything about the past, we can only move forward and accomplish new goals!

Love your winter blog look! ;-) NO *resolutions* for me either.
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