Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 7

I am very THANKFUL for my ability to be Frugal! God has certainly blessed me with knowledge and wisdom to be a good steward of his blessings!

I began my quest to be "Frugal" about a month after I got married in '98 and have never looked back. I am able to save money in all areas of our necessities and even leisure. I Menu Plan, Grocery Shop with a list and stick to it, shop at Aldi and local Fruit Markets, use coupons(although not as much as I used to). I have been venturing into making our own "convenience" foods at home! Totally money saving! I shop at Thrift Stores and really LOVE Thrift Stores. I call companies like phone, internet and cable and try to get on the best package possible and save money on our monthly bills.

I used to maintain a blog specifically for my "deals and steals" and frugal living ideas: Living Frugal with Kendra It hasn't been updated in a long while and is "plain" but it has lots of my Frugal things on it. Also, my last blog FamilyMgrKendra has lots of great Frugal Living posts on it.

I feel it is my "job" to make sure we are being good stewards of our finances and I am THANKFUL for that ability!

Check out 30 Days of Thanks at:

The Life of an Ordinary Hausfrau

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