Notebook, pens and tote bag: Check
Spending Money: Check
Transportation Plans: Check
Comfortable Shoes: Check
Wanted to Buy List: Check
Schedule printed and workshops selected: Check
Address Labels: Check
Name Badge: Check
YEP I think I am ready. I know I am so very excited!! The time is finally here for the annual Illinois Christian Home Educators Convention. I really enjoy attending this convention, this will be my 4th year attending. It is a 3 day convention and always lots of fun and inspirational. I enjoy seeing "old" friends and meeting new ones, spending time with like minded people!
My hubby and I dropped the boys off at my parents earlier this evening, as they will be spending the night there until Friday night. We had originally planned for the boys to stay home with "daddy" because "daddy" was unemployed and we didn't think he would be working by now because of the economy. Well, we were very blessed when 3 weeks ago "hubby" was offered a job. He just began that job today, June 1st, so he has "better" things to do. Graciously my parents volunteered to take the boys overnight for 2 nights and all is good! The past 2 years, we booked 2 rooms at a hotel near the Convention area. My parents came to the hotel also. They watched the boys during the day for us, while hubby and I attended the convention and then we had them in the evening. Well, due to unemployment issues over the last 3 months, that was not happening this year. Also, we got a huge discount on those hotel rooms, so that made it more possible. No more discount, because hubby no longer works at a hotel.
I am going to "carpool" with a couple friends of mine from our homeschool group and go back and forth daily. It is only a 40 minute drive and not too bad, but the location of the hotel was awesome.
It does seem a little weird to be going to a convention right when "Summer Break" is starting, that is what I thought before my first time attending. I have since changed that way of thinking because it really gives you lots to think about and gets you "revved" up to planning and thinking about the next school year. I always leave convention with so much information and it is a real joy to attend!
I will be giving daily update blog posts of my "Adventures at Convention".

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