The New Year is here and I know many of you have made a resolution, goal or promise to become more organized this year. The "Digital Age" has many looking to their tablets or smartphones for "APPS that do that", but then you have to have "umpteen" apps on your phone for everything you want to organize. The traditional printed planner is still around and works well! I personally prefer a printed planner and use apps as a Back up or on the go helper.
Melissa Ringstaff has been blogging at A Virtuous Woman since 2001 and I have been following her blog since it began. I jumped at the chance to review her BRAND new planner "This is My Life Planner", because I knew anything designed and created by Melissa would be AWESOME!
Read more about Melissa Ringstaff HERE
"This is My Life Planner" comes in several options, I chose to Review This is My Life Planner + My Life Documented which has 248 pages. (I haven't been able to print the full planner yet as we ran out of ink a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to get any yet). I will be PRINTING it soon!
I chose This is My Life Planner + My Life Documented because it has EVERYTHING I need and more! I was using 2-3 planners for organizing my home and daily activities, but this one has it all wrapped in one. The Features and what is included in this planner are:
- Font Cover
- Contact Page
- 10 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman
- 7 Golden Rules of Housekeeping
- Family Mission Statement
- What does home mean to me? Worksheet
- Special Days to Remember
- This Year’s ONE WORD
- Household Projects Master List
- How do I spend my time? Worksheet
- My Daily Schedule
- 52 Weeks of “This is My Life” Planning Pages
- 52 Weekly Menu Planning Pages
- New Year’s Resolution Worksheet
- Valentine’s Day Planner
- Resurrection Celebration Planner
- Resurrection Cookies Recipe
- Summer Bucket List
- 4th of July Planner
- Fall Bucket List
- Thanksgiving Menu Planner
- Christmas Menu Planner
- Christmas Shopping List Page
- Christmas Ideas Worksheet
- Winter Bucket List
- New Year’s Day Planner
- 2 Notes Pages
- 9 Journal Pages
- 52 Weekly Project Life Record Charts
- 52 Weekly Project Life Layout Planning Charts
- Back Cover
Menu planning, Holiday Planning, Daily Schedule, Scrapbooking your year pages, Ohhh yeah it is all in there. An ALL in ONE planner is just I NEED and that is why I LOVE this planner. I really like the fact that the planner is undated, so you can start using it at anytime and you don't "miss out" if you started later then January 1st. Melissa has designed this planner very WELL and I give her HIGH praises!
Are you still looking for a planner for the year? Here is in the info on all the Planners Melissa has available on A Virtous Women:
This is My Life Basic Planner $4.95
This is My Life 52 Week Planner $5.95
This is My Life 52 Week Planner + My Life Documented $8.95
This is My Life Documented Planner $4.95
The Holiday Bundle Add-On $2.95
This is My Life Two Page Spread Monthly Calendar Add-On $2.95
This is My Life Budget Planner Add-On $3.95
This is My Life Planner (All in One Bundle) $16.95
I will be printing my copy very soon and then taking it to my local Office Supply Store to have them Coil Bind it and put protective covers on it. I have done this in the past and it costs about $5 for the service.
I HIGHLY recommend the This is My Life 52 Week Planner + My Life Documented and any of the other planners from A Virtuous Women!
Make sure to Visit A Virtuous Woman website.
Melissa has some wonderful info for Women and you can also sign up for her newsletter.

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