I am very glad to say that we had a good week "Getting back to the routine" of following a menu plan. We did have a last minute change of plans for Saturday, so I am "recyclying" last Saturday's menu plans to this coming Saturday. I hadn't purchased the ingredients yet when plans changed, so nothing wasted.
My husband and I did some Freezer Cooking and baking last weekend while he had a 3 day weekend. My favorite item from last weekend was this Amazing Amish Cinnamon Bread. My husband even enjoyed it and he normally doesn't like quick breads. I really thought it tasted like Amish Bread but without having to use the 10 day starter. The recipe is for sure a KEEPER for our family!
Here is our menu for this week with recipe links included:
Menu Plan 1/27-2/2 by familymgrkendra
For more weekly Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

Your menu looks great, Kendra! Thanks for linking up this week! U rock!
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