PHEW!! I had quite the year last year as I was helping my parents a lot and did a ton of driving last year. My parents are better and my dad now has ParaTransit service back and forth to dialysis. I am getting our family “Back into Routine” and getting our lives better organized. Menu Planning again is just one step of getting back to routine. I am so glad to be doing this again!
Here is our menu for this week with recipe links included:
For more weekly Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

Menu Plan Monday 1/21
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Mm! Sounds delicious! (especially the soup. It got cold here and I could go for a cup of hot soup!)
@Elyse Rinehart
THANKS!! We do Soup and Bread night every Saturday from about October thru May. We have Friday night pizza night every Friday year round! I like that my family enjoys that because it sure simplifies grocery shopping and menu planning!
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