I know it is old cliche but for the past few months it has been so true for me and therefore I have been "neglecting" my blog!
January and February are normally when I really "sulk" due to SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder). I usually "perk up" when the weather starts getting warmer and I usually get on the move! I am still lagging behind and it already May and I am not sure why! I seem to have very little energy and just want to "hide out". I am such an outdoor person, so being that it is already May, I should be outside more, but haven't. I have been getting projects accomplished in my apartment, especially lots of decluttering, but I have been extremely exhausted lately. I am pretty sure I need to see a Dr. and see what is up. I am having a milestone birthday this year, so it could be that "AGE" is making me exhausted.
I did have Vein Surgery on March 9th, and it certainly has helped with my left leg. I am able to walk and stand and not have major swelling and pain in my left leg. The surgery was a great success.
I am also happy to report that my 8yr old started Vision Therapy in mid February and he is doing quite well. He has Vision Therapy every Monday at 9:45am. We have to get up and drive my hubby to work by 8:30am. We then make the drive down to the IL Eye Institute for his 45 minute sessions. He will be on a mini break until the first week of June. IL Eye Institute is a teaching hospital, so with graduation and new students being assigned, he doesn't return until the first Monday in June. My parents live less then a mile from IL Eye, so we usually visit with them afterwards and have lunch there. Monday afternoons are either spent running errands, going to the library or going to one of our great local museums. We pick hubby up at work at 4:45pm and then come home. I am so exhausted on Monday's because of having the boys out and about all day!
This is me on Monday Nights!
The boys are all participating in Little League this year. The season is now in full swing. We have 2 different divisions that the boys are in. Josh is on the White Sox team for his Division and Nate and Danny are both on the Cubs for their division. Hubby and I got a good laugh at that because we are a White Sox family but my dad is a Cubs fan!! The next 2 months are going to be CRAZY busy with Practices and games. I just hope that they don't have games on the same day and times!

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