Tuesday, June 18, 2024

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: You Can Be Free: Overcoming Temptation and Habitual Sin by the Power and Promises of the Gospel by Kirby Kelly

Beat the cycle of habitual sin as Kirby Kelly guides you through how God's strength can win back your freedom and bring you everyday peace. Find rescue and relief through a practical battle plan to defeat that sin that feels stuck on repeat and win back your life. 

Tired of the same cycle over and over again? Of the endless spirals of self-destructive sin? In You Can Be Free, discover a real-life battle plan to break the spiritual bondage of habitual sin.

You're not alone. So many Christians are desperate to find a way to overcome recurring sin in their lives, a dominating factor when it comes to coping mechanisms in today's society. Kirby Kelly has been there, and she's created a battle plan to help others break free from unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and cycles to find God's actual peace in their lives. 

Leading from the front, Kelly offers her own story first and shares biblical strategies to:

Connect and confess 

Stay in bounds

Know your enemy

Know your God

Know yourself

Set your green and red light zones

Turn around and come home

Makeover your mind

Kirby Kelly offers practical, tactical advice to the questions: How does one break, and stay, free? And how does one truly overcome what they thought they broke free from, only to see its disappointing return in their life? Through theology, hope, and God's guidance, there is a way to become vulnerable with your community, grow spiritually and personally, and welcome God's promise of freedom.

Kirby Kelly is a speaker, influencer, and podcast host from Dallas, Texas, who has been creating Christian content for over a decade on a multitude of platforms. She graduated with a Master in theology in 2023 from Dallas Baptist University. Together with her husband, she equips ministries with creative media strategies and creates engaging content to reach the masses with the joy, truth, and message of the gospel on her platforms. Kirby's mission statement reflects her heartbeat in all she does: to equip, empower, and engage individuals in Spirit and in truth. This proves to be true with her Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and podcasting platforms where she creates a variety of content.

I really enjoy Christian Self Help books. I feel there are lessons to be learned and encouragement in Self Help Books. You Can Be Free: Overcoming Temptation and Habitual Sin by the Power and Promises of the Gospel by Kirby Kelly is the latest in this genre that I have read. 

WOW, this young author really has a wealth of information in this book. The verse that came to mind while reading this book was 
Romans 3:23: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

 Christians can be habitual sinners, but it is important to release ourselves of this habitual Sin. Kirby Kelly had some struggles in her faith and she wrote this book not only as a personal testimony but to encourage others to overcome their habitual sins. I really LOVE how open Kirby Kelly is in this book and how she outlines to steps to take to overcome Habitual Sin. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with Sin. FANTASTIC BOOK!

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