Friday, May 3, 2024

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: Seen Secure Free by Allison Allen

In a world that screams: Be seen! Be known! and often measures value by likes and shares and follows, it's easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God's Word offers a powerful and freeing counternarrative: true treasure is actually found in the "hidden" life of Christ.

Somewhere along the way, we've confused our level of visibility with our value. We've mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We've equated exposure with excellence.

But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there's a different way of living altogether?

Seen, Secure, Free unpacks the great promise in Colossians 3:3: "Your life is hidden with Christ in God" and reminds us that when God hides us in himself, he provides a non-negotiable, never-ending source of contentment, identity, and worth.

Join Bible teacher Allison Allen as she explores the incredible power of hiddenness in nature, history, and Scripture, which will help you:

  • Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others;
  • Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood;
  • Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply;
  • Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose;
  • Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom; and
  • Feel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus

No more striving to be seen or wondering if you matter; no more pressure to perform or be visible to the world. Instead, rest assured that God truly sees, knows, and loves you more than any person ever could. And let him lead you into the freedom, joy, and transformative power of a life hidden in him.

ALLISON ALLEN attended Carnegie Mellon University's Acting Conservatory, and afterward landed on Broadway. She now uses her gifts to teach the Bible all over the country and loves nothing more than watching people run into the redemption that Jesus offers. Allison is the spiritual wingwoman to Lisa Harper on Lisa's well-received podcast, Back Porch Theology. She is the author of two books: Shine and Thirsty for More. Above all, she is grateful for the grace Christ offers to wonky-hearted people like herself.

I really enjoy Christian Living books. Seen, Secure, FREE: How a Life Hidden with Christ Strengthens and Transforms You by Allison Allen is the latest in this genre that I have read. 

WOW, this book really spoke to me. I am not one who needs praise and acknowledgement from others. I do though feel like I am "wall flower" when in groups. The conversation around me is going on and I feel like I am not a part of that conversation. I also feel that I do sometimes seek affirmation of decisions I make and such. I do think that comes from so many years of others(mom, siblings, etc) making me feel like I need to second guess my life decisions. Seen, Secure, FREE really spoke that my worth doesn't come from others around me or from the world. My WORTH comes from GOD and what he sees in me and he LOVES me unconditionally. God allows me to be content with who I am and how I am seen! I feel Allison Allen has a clear message to those reading this book: You are SECURE when you allow God to lead you and not the opinions of others. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who struggles with "BEING FREE" with God! GREAT BOOK!

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