Sunday, September 22, 2024

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The End Begins by Sara Davison


Book: The End Begins (Rerelease)

Author: Sara Davison

Genre: Dystopian Romantic Suspense

Release Date: July 15, 2024

Which of them is the prisoner and which one is free?

Bookstore owner Meryn O’Reilly and Army Captain Jesse Christensen are on opposite sides of a battle. After a series of terrorist attacks in 2053, martial law has been declared in Canada and the military has taken over. When a radical Christian group claims responsibility, Jesse and his platoon are sent to Meryn’s city to keep an eye on the Christians and ensure they are not stepping outside the confines of the law.

Fiery and quick-tempered, Meryn chafes under the curfew and other restrictions to her freedom. Jesse is equally amused, intrigued, and terrified by her spirit, knowing she could end up in prison if she shows defiance to the wrong soldier, namely Lieutenant Gallagher.

Jesse watches out for Meryn when possible, although she wants nothing to do with him. His worst fears are realized when she commits a crime he cannot protect her from. Now they both face an uncertain future and the very real threat of losing everything, including their lives.

With time running out, Jesse works feverishly to convince the authorities to show leniency—and to convince Meryn that love can overcome any barrier that lies between them.


Click here to get your copy!

Sara Davision has become one of my favorite authors of Romantic Suspense novels. The End Begins is Book 1 of the Seven Trilogy series. The book was originally released in 2015 and this is the re-release edition. 

WOW, the storyline of this book is very intriguing. I LOVE that it is set in Canada in 2053, yes in the future. The main characters in the book are Meryn and Jesse. Jesse is part of the Military and he is sent to Meryn's town to help protect the Christians when a group is attacked. He is especially keeping an eye on Meryn to make sure she is not breaking any laws. Meryn is not too fond or Jesse, but he is seeing a different side of Meryn, one that has growing feelings toward Meryn. Jesse is really worried about Meryn when she does break and law as he doesn't want her to go to Prison. Jesse and Meryn both show their Christian values throughout the book. I was never really one to read books about the Dystopian, but a few years ago I started enjoying them. I have to say Sara Davison really hooked me into this storyline in less then 3 minutes. The book starts out strong and I could not put the book down until I was down reading it 4hrs later. The book is one of Suspense, Romance, Faith and LOVE. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Chrsitian Suspense with Romance. GREAT BOOK! 

Sara Davison is the author of The Night Guardians, The Rose Tattoo, two sparrows for a penny, and In the Shadows series, as well as the standalone, The Watcher. A finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, including the Christy Award, Davison is a Cascade, Word, and two-time Carol Award winner for romantic suspense. She lives in Ontario with her husband, Michael. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no particular reason.



More from Sara

Most, if not all, great fiction begins with the question, “What if?” This is likely truer for The Day Draws Near Series (formerly The Seven Trilogy) than for any of my other stories.

The seeds for this series were planted as I worked my way through a study on Revelation at our church. Each of those seeds represented a what if question.

What if the Bible was outlawed and taken away from believers? What if restrictions such as a curfew or being forced to wear an identity bracelet were placed on Christians? What if the consequences for not following those restrictions became serious, even deadly? What if publicly declaring that you were a follower of Jesus Christ made it harder to buy or sell items? What if the churches were closed and believers forced to meet underground? What if teaching your children from the Bible meant you risked having them taken away from you? What if all this happened in Canada and the US in the very near future?

And the big question the entire series asks is: What if we are not ready?

Those seeds grew into the characters and storylines that make up the dystopian romantic suspense books The End Begins, The Darkness Deepens, and The Morning Star Rises.

The Day Draws Near Series is a revised and updated-with-new-content version of The Seven Trilogy, originally released in 2015 and 2016. While I don’t for a moment claim these books are prophetic, between their original release and now, many of the things that happen in the series, including a global pandemic, have since come to pass.

My hope and prayer for each book in this series is that readers will be left with a deeper awareness that time is short and that we are living in a society increasingly hostile to Christianity and in a world of darkness that hates the light. However that hostility and hatred plays out, life will become more difficult for Christians in the future, as the Bible clearly claims.

However, the tone of the book and what I pray readers will take with them is one of peace and hope. The most powerful message these stories convey is that there is no need to be afraid. God’s ultimate plan of redemption and reconciliation is playing out in front of our eyes. Nothing can thwart that plan. Nothing can happen that God does not allow.

Above all, every believer can know with absolute certainty that, whatever happens in the future, we will never face it alone. God will be with us, watching over us and giving us the strength and the courage to endure to the end.

The Lofty Pages, September 19

For the Love of Literature, September 20 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 22

Through the Fire Blogs, September 23 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 23

Life on Chickadee Lane, September 24

Betti Mace, September 25

Artistic Nobody, September 26 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 27

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, September 28 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, September 29 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Beauty in the Binding, September 30 (Author Interview)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 1

For Him and My Family, October 2

To celebrate her tour, Sara is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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traciem said... Best Blogger Tips

What makes a great story?

Jcp said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank your ou for the review

Sara Davison said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you so much for highlighting The End Begins on your blog, Kendra, and for such a lovely review! Thank you to everyone for stopping by on the tour. Blessings!

Nancy P said... Best Blogger Tips

Fascinating cover

Michael Law said... Best Blogger Tips

This looks like a great novel. Thanks for hosting.

Sara Davison said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. That's a really great question. Partly I would say that is subjective, that what makes a story great for one reader might be different from what is great to another reader. In my opinion, it's a story that draws you so deeply into the mind, heart, and experiences of the characters that you forget about the real world and when you put the book down it takes a bit of time to come back to reality. When you do, your view of the world has shifted slightly because what the character went through increased your empathy and understanding. That's the kind of story I love to read and that I always endeavor to write.

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