Saturday, November 26, 2022

Momentum Influencers Blog Tour and Giveaway: It's Christmas Again Movie

Jake Young (Lawson Touliatos) wants nothing more than to spend his Christmas vacation with his girlfriend, Abbey Walker (Leela Owen). So when Abbey volunteers for her church’s Christmas play, Jake is ready to skip Christmas this year until an unexpected turn of events lands him in a field outside Bethlehem on the
night Jesus was born. While on his journey with the shepherds to find the promised.

Messiah, Jake discovers the true meaning of Christmas. Coming this Christmas season, IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN is a modern-day musical the whole family will love!

I truly enjoyed this movie!! I have always been a mom who wanted my Boys to know the True Meaning of Christmas. Jake is a GREAT Character who learned that putting others, like his girlfriend, before Jesus can lead to a life unfulfilled.  I LOVE how Jake discovers the TRUE Meaning of Christmas is not about spending time having fun on Vacations, but Jesus is the center of Christmas. The creators of this Movie took an important message and geared it toward the kids in a fun way. Kids are very much into Musicials and Movies nowadays and this Movie really gets the message across. GREAT MOVIE and I HIGHLY recommend it to Families!! 

• Go see IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN, in theaters for one day only on November 29th!
• Moms, do you want to focus on Jesus this Christmas? Take your family to see IT’S
CHRISTMAS AGAIN on November 29th!
• IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN is a modern-day musical the whole family will love!
• One teenager’s journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas
• A film with a beautiful reminder that Jesus is the reason for the season
• A Magical Musical Adventure Through Time coming to theaters November 29 FOR ONE

Many thanks to Mapelle Films for providing a sample of the product for this review.
My opinions are 100% my own.

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Mami2jcn said... Best Blogger Tips

I like driving around to look at the Christmas lights.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

My favorite tradition is making cookies with my son.

marisela zuniga said... Best Blogger Tips

Every year we go to a Santa land and go look at their Christmas lights and decorations

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